Subject: 2 stories... Continued...

4 Tips for Creating Urgency When It doesn’t exist

1-- Set very definite Short Term Goals (weekly, daily).

 Make goals and stick to them. People without goals often fall into the Urgency Trap.

2-- Make your Daily Method of Operation short and doable. 

Put only your Most Impactful Activity on your business "To Do" list. Make it the activity that will have the biggest impact on your business that day.

3-- Build in Accountability

 Self-accountability is hard. Most people don't have the discipline. So make yourself accountable to someone else--Your spouse, a friend, a marketing buddy, a Mastermind group. Building accountability into your business is ESSENTIAL when you lack urgency for whatever reason.

4-- Set effective deadlines and stick to them.

Just as a boss sets deadlines for his/her employees, so must you set deadlines for yourself in your business. And give these deadlines some teeth. Make sure you have a consequence/reward system in place either way.

I hope this conversation has helped you out today.

As is the case with most things, just becoming AWARE that you have an urgency problem is half the battle.

Let's Chat

Ron & Carole

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