Subject: 2 hrs. a day changes your life...

Here's why: because most people don't understand the value of compounding...

If you don't... it's not your fault...

It's simply because no one educated you on how valuable (and abundant) time actually is...

Usually, when I talk to people they tell me they don't have time...

Because no one has about 15-30 hrs a week sitting on a shelf somewhere...

But what they fail to realize is that they have about 2-3 hrs a day and that equates to about roughly the same...

I had a friend whose boss had her write down every 30 mins exactly what she did...

Low and behold she realized that about a quarter of a 12 hr day was actually wasted...

Low and behold, She actually asked my boss for a promotion:

She said to her that she was capable (and willing) to work in a higher position of more responsibility...if she'd let her...

She agreed...and that's how she got her promotion...

Try this at work today...and more importantly, try it when you're home...

How much time do you have? Probably a lot more than you realized...

Cause while it's hard to find 15-30 hrs a's easy to find 2-3 hrs a day...

...What could you be doing in that time that would really benefit you?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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