Subject: 2 Stories... Which one are you???


This email is about a tale of 2 part-time marketers...

The first person has a great job and a network marketing business.

Life is looking good. 
But then disaster hits.

One day he comes into work and he's given a pink slip.  His job has been downsized and his last day is Friday.

He's sweating...  his wife can’t work.

It's all up to him.

He tries and tries…goes on numerous interviews...

But still can't find another job.

There's no income coming in and the savings is running out.  

His back is truly up against the wall.

So he does the only thing he can...

He dives hard into this business... like there's no tomorrow.

And for him, there is NO tomorrow!

The second person also has a great job and side network marketing business.

Her job income is more than enough to live on and then some.

The bills are paid.
The kids are fed.
Vacations are scheduled.

And there's always more money than she needs at the end of the month.

She has great intentions of working on her business after work but often doesn’t get to it because she’s so tired. 

She often feels she deserves to rest and relax after work. 

She’ll get to her business another day.

"I'll work my business tomorrow" becomes a mantra.

But sadly, "tomorrow" rarely comes.

Which of these people do you think will get faster results in their businesses?

The one whose back is against the wall?

Or the second lady who has way more money at the end of the month from her job?

If you said #1, you win.

A lack of urgency can kill your business.

Urgency is often dependent on circumstances, but there are things you can do to increase urgency for your business.

Tune in to the next email for your answers!!!

Let's Chat,

Ron & Carole

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