Subject: 12 Months...(part 8)

This is the one everyone wants...

Takes decades to earn, yet you can lose it within minutes in some cases:


It's why everyone wants it quickly: so they can start doing what they actually want right away...

Yet the funny thing with money is that everyone looks for a way to EARN it without INVESTING any of it...

The fastest way to grow money is to invest it...more specifically into an investment you can control...

Some business investments can require investments of 60k, 100k, or even a million dollars...

By the time you even start you're deep in the red...

Most people would balk at the idea...even if down the road it might earn them 10 times what they put in...

and it's mostly because they would keep the small amount of money they had being that deep in a financial hole...even if it's only temporary...

Think your house costs a lot with a mortgage and electricity and such?

See the comparison to learn what's really pricey...

So a more affordable investment lead me to work Online...a fraction of the cost with minimal expenses...

It was a no-brainer...

Above all remember: poor people buy people buy investments that make them money...and some investments are smarter than others...

See you tomorrow for the final part.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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