Subject: 12 Months...(part 7)

The MOST overlooked assets everyone has for free...

It doesn't cost anything and can make you more money than just about anything...

I'm referring to TIME.

It's also the one asset that's not recoverable...

Most people don't use it to make it work for them...

They don't INVEST it...

They SPEND time instead...on things that don't return anything...

My previous email mentioned that a good entrepreneur has to invest sometimes 100 hours a week into their business...

But they do it because it's worth the investment...

So few people would have that kind of time...

But do you have 1500 hours a year? Or 130 hours a month? or 2 hours a day with 5 on a weekend?

When time is in that can see how you actually have it...

Time has 2 components:

Stamina (covered yesterday)...

and actual breakdown of availability...

See you tomorrow for part 8...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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