Subject: 12 Months....(part 6)

Do you have the stamina and energy?

Starting a new business venture is NOT an easy job...

and few people have the energy and stamina to actually build a business from scratch...

Many (not all) employees speak of burnout at 40-60 hours a week...

If you want your own venture you'll be working 80-100 hours a week just to get it going...

week after week...

month after month...

Sometimes year after year...

I worked 90-hour weeks selling real estate and suffice to say, it took its toll...

I wanted something with a bit less time and demand for such a grueling time period...

I like most people prefer a system that is part-time sustainable allowing you to set your own hours...which is exactly what I found...

This means you can pick your own schedule and work your own hours as you see fit...

That's not possible with a traditional business model...with this one, it is though...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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