Subject: 12 Months...(part 5)

Could you actually get people to buy something?

The trouble with a business is that all businesses are people businesses...

and that people actually need to know how to get something sold to make any money...

What people without experience don't realize is that VERY few things ever sell themselves...

When I worked as a Realtor, I experienced this firsthand:

It took a LOT of promotion and in-person meetings to get people to come to an Open House...

If you were thinking that you could just list a house for people and the flood doors would open and people would come to spend their hard-earned money with you...'re in for a BIG surprise...

that and most people don't have "selling" skills:

They lack the personality to face rejection, and humiliation, and deal with high-pressure situations to think on their feet...


If you know how to reach people Online and have them come to you already interested...

You just connect these people to an offer they wanted...

It's a big reason why so many find so much success:

They don't need to "sell".

But when you run a traditional business otherwise you do.

It's the 5th component you need for a business to work.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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