Subject: #1 Cash flow problem? (Answer: caffeine booster shots)

Cash flow problems?

You might be pushing it away by doing this:

Caffeine booster shots...

If you're a believer in manifestation, you repel what you want by not believing you already have it...

It's true...

The company you work for supplies the cash flow...

They make sure to bring in clients, offer a service, pay the rent and utilities, and inventory among other things...

All of this can cost hundreds maybe even millions of dollars...

Your hard work turns the tap for them...


This is an alternate:

Could you afford a business for less than a cup of coffee a day?

Instead of a booster shot of caffeine adrenaline...why not create a cash flow tap...

Then turn it up to full power as you scale?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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