Subject: Unique Masterclass Series on Manodharma and Krtis

Only 3 more days to go for the

Masterclass on Manodharma and Krtis

 (Raga Alapana, Neraval, and Kalpana Swarams)


Sangeet Samrat Shri Chitravina N Ravikiran.

Are you considering joining?

If you are not sure yet, here are your top questions answered:

Q1. When is the Masterclass and who is conducting it?

13th November 2021, Saturday at 8.30 PM IST conducted by Shri Chitravina N Ravikiran, a legendary performer and teacher, with a proven track record for mentoring many successful performing artists.

Q2. How is the Masterclass going to be conducted?

This is an online Masterclass that will be conducted via Zoom


Q3. Who is this Masterclass for?

  • Intermediate and Advanced learners of Carnatic Music

  • Carnatic Music Performers who want to improve their standards

  • Carnatic Music Students applying for All India Radio auditions

  • Carnatic Music Teachers who wish to hone their teaching skills

If any (or more) of the above describes you well, then this Masterclass is for you!


Q4. What topics will be covered in this Masterclass?

This Masterclass is a comprehensive one that will cover a wide range of topics from Kritis to Manodharma aspects i.e. Raga Alapana, Neraval, and Kalpana Swarams; in Ragas prescribed in the AIR Audition List. 


Q5. The timings don’t work out for me, is there a way to participate?

Time zone constraints will not be an issue. You can enroll and the recording will be provided to you. In fact, all participants, those attending Live and otherwise will receive a recording.


Q6. I already have a Yearly Subscription Membership with Acharyanet. Do I get a discount?

Acharyanet Yearly Subscription members can avail of a 20% discount. WhatsApp us at +91-7259240932 or mail us at for the promo code.

With all your questions answered, we have one thing to say – Do not miss out on this Masterclass where you will learn to advance your musical knowledge with practical examples of Manodharma in various Ragas. 

It doesn’t matter where you live or what your association with Carnatic Music is, this Masterclass is going to simplify your learning and help you achieve your goals!

Learn the nuances of improvisation from the very best at the ‘All India Radio Audition Prep Course Part 1 - A Masterclass’.

For more information

WhatsApp: +91-7259240932 | Email: