Subject: Watch the free video, "Healing from Grief and Loss."

Content is Light Encoded to assist your journey.

Rays of Healing Light Logo
When you grieve, your whole body shows your sadness.

Dear Friend ,

If you missed the class or want to see any parts of it again, you can watch the video by clicking or tapping on the name of the class: "Healing from Grief and Loss." 

If you attended the live class, please complete the survey.

If you attend by watching the video, please complete the survey.

This survey is very short and you should be able to complete it in just 90 seconds. Thanks for the feedback.



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Ray of Healing Light

Private Services for Animals and Humans

~~ Services for Animals
To help you and your animals communicate,
and help them heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"

~~ Services for Humans

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Intuitive Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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