Subject: ✪ Friend You're Invited ✪

Hi Friend,
I know you haven't heard from me for a few weeks now - that's because I've been really busy behind the scenes putting together some new material...

And I've decided, at the last minute, to host a new webinar for you to tell you all about it.

2017 is nearly over (can you believe it?!) and it's been quite a challenging year too.  

From what I see, it's going to get even crazier before it gets better - but there is a way to shift your life to a different frequency, so you bypass all the chaos and start to live life in a totally different way. 

What if the idea that you have to struggle to overcome obstacles, win at the expense of others, be constantly thinking positive thoughts and be tough in order to get ahead… what if that is all an illusion?

What if there was another way to live, a way of joy, passion, ease, flow and effortless creation; a way to thrive just by being you?

If there was a chance that this was true – would you want to know about it?

If so, this conversation is definitely for you.

What you will learn:
  • How to find more freedom in your life - NOW
  • How to reclaim your focus and let go of struggle and worry
  • The truth about having to continually be positive
  • Why its so important to let go of having to control everything 
  • Why following your heart is NOT bad advice
  • How to recognize signs that the Universe really does have your back
and much, much more...

This is jam packed full of great actionable information to help you get more out of life - more of what YOU want, not just more to do.

If learning any of this resonates with you, if you are feeling deep inside a calling to something that you just can't put your finger on, if you’ve been questioning whether life is meant to be such a challenge – then there is no mistake you’re reading this.

Join me on 3rd November at 7pm EST (New York), 4pm PST (San Francisco), and 4th November at 11am Sydney and 10.30am Adelaide, for about 50 minutes of authentic conversation, where I’ll share some truths and answer all your questions. 

There are limited places available so if this is something that resonates with you, register straight away to reserve your spot. 

I look forward to seeing you there!
Free Spirit Unleashed
Live Life Your Way & Thrive

81 Roland Avenue, 2076, Wahroonga, Australia
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