As we move through a time of unprecedented change, times where the old energy of polarity seems to be getting stronger rather than weaker, we need to remember, all is not as it seems.
We’re each faced with a decision – will we sit back and let what we see out there dictate our lives, or will we see the illusion and instead of trying to control it (how can you control an illusion?), will we live our life as it was meant to be – in the flow, choosing in each moment to follow what feels uplifting and loving, both to ourselves and all other beings we share this planet with?
This massive shift in consciousness is happening right now and how your life goes depends on what you choose to see. You can choose to see the old energy hanging on – the unrest, the cruelty, the money and power hunger, or you can choose to see the light, the beauty, the love and magic that is there for every single one of us if we simply choose that instead.
Because we each have the power to increase that light, to shift the balance of our planet and the experience of all beings – but we don’t do that by focusing on what’s wrong, on the dark on the old energy that is hanging on and fighting for it’s life.
All is not as it seems - the old energy is dying, but it's not giving up easily and sometimes it seems as though it's getting stronger. It's not.
Our job is not to fight it, but to give strength to a new way of love and flow and joy. And the more of us who focus on those attributes, the less power the old ways have…
All you need to do to be part of this magnificent shift, is to live your life your way, being kind and generous to all other beings you meet and allowing the magic of life into your heart in each moment, as much as you can.
I'm sending each one of you a personal wish for a year where you realise that dreams do come true, and that the way forward is not fighting and pushing against, but loving and laughing and taking notice of all the beauty that surrounds every single one of us… Lighten up and let go of struggle, take a deep breath and smile at everyone you meet today and see how your life changes just by doing that.