Well, we’re coming to the end of a bit of a crazy year - and one where we lost some beautiful, creative souls – including David Bowie and just recently, Leonard Cohen.
Both these artists were free spirits. They lived life their way and didn’t listen to those who tried to change them - they just did what they did from their heart and the world loved them for it.
In fact at the beginning of his music career, Leonard Cohen was told by everyone around him, he should more upbeat and ‘happy’ if he wanted to be successful. But then one day, his Zen Master, Roshi, advised him ‘Leonard, you must play more sad’.
What Roshi was essentially saying was – ‘be yourself – don’t try to change who you are, your strength lies in being you’. And of course he was right.
But it’s interesting, that even someone as talented as Leonard Cohen needed to learn to be himself.
What about you? Is this true for you too? Are you being yourself? Are you tapping into your super powers? Or are you hiding your free spirit behind who you think you should be to survive?
And if so – can we talk about it?
Because I’ve got something really special to offer you, to tie in with the perfect opportunity to be free and thrive...the start of a new year. Will 2017 be your year of abundance and freedom?
It can be....
You're the first....
I'm offering this to you first - before I let anyone else in - one of only 7 spots available for my fully personalised, private coaching intensive.
This is a powerful way to uncover what has been holding you back from living life your way, from doing what you love to do and thriving in the process.