Subject: There's still time to accept my New Year's Gift - How to Create a 2016 YOU Love!

Dear Friend!

There is still time to accept My special New Year's gift to you? Just watch this short Video here >>>.

The upcoming FREE Conference Call - HOW TO CREATE A 2016 YOU LOVE! is just one small way that I can say thank you for being a subscriber to my DreamBuilder Mentor eZine and for being so supportive all this time.

The Ignite Your Dreams!™ Conference Call - HOW TO CREATE A 2016 YOU LOVE! is happening this Tuesday, January 5th, 2016, at 7:00 pm PST. I really hope you will join me!

In this LIVE event, I will share with you:

  • The number one thing that stops people dead in their tracks from pursuing their Dream
  • 2 essential keys for tuning into your purpose 
  • Simple thinking strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry
  • What wealthy people do that creates sustained success
  • The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after their dream, and how to stay motivated to override it.
  • The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to reach your dream
  • 3 powerful words that can override any negative belief
  • 2 strategies to discover the next best step towards your dream

And, I will be answering your most burning questions about how to realize your DREAMS and create the life YOU Love!

Simply click the link below and register for the call and I will send you all the details.

I am really looking forward to seeing you on January 5th, 2016.

It’s YOUR Life Friend! ~ Together, Let's Make 2016 a GREAT One!
Your Partner in Believing,

Florence R. Rickards

MBA, Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery & Life Success Consultant, CHRP, RSW, CCRC, Cert. Professional Co-Active Coach

Ph: 250-868-1101; Fax: 250-868-1121;
Create a Life YOU Love Institute! Where Dreams Come True! Where the unbelievable becomes believable!

P. S. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to expand the vision of what is possible for you beyond what you can currently fathom.

P.S.S. The price you will pay to realize your dream is small compared to the price you must pay for allowing your dream to die.
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