Subject: Trump's Tweets Turn and Burn the Stock Markets

Trump's Tweets Turn and Burn the Stock Markets
We were ready for the dangerous markets we have seen on the last 4 weeks from the forecast.

Now it's time for a change...
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Webinar with
David Hunt
Independent Stock Market Expert, Authority, Technical Analyst, Chartist and Professional Advisor.
Do you find yourself sitting there, frozen like a deer in the headlights, wondering which way to turn as media hype, conflicting opinion, manipulated press releases and main stream media combine to make you more and more confused about what's 
REALLY HAPPENING in the markets?

  • Are you fed up with reading "Yesterday's News"?
  • Do you want to buy or sell shares but don't know which shares to buy or when is the best time to buy or sell them?
  • Do you want to take profits but are unsure when it the best time to take them but don't want to leave money on the table?
  • Are you troubled and unsure if your stock broker might have a vested interest in the shares they recommend?
  • Do you want better control of your own investments?
  • Do you need better strategies and risk mitigation to protect your money and Investments?
  • Are you confused and looking for clarity, guidance, support and direction?
  • Would you like to be one step ahead of the rest?
This is Real Trading Signals Actionable...

Getting in BEFORE the big moves and giving you the OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE PROFITS on the big moves up BEFORE other people actually know what has happened!

You can get a better grip on the markets when you use charts and technical analysis and not just fundamentals, a well worn shock and horror marketing formula, yesterday's news, manipulated press releases and the controversial opinions, often of dubious others, in main stream media which combined... is the perfect recipie for confusion, doubt, uncertainty and unfortunately for many.... VERY COSTLY MISTAKES!!

Find the clarity you are looking!

David Hunt uses charts and technical analysis to sift through the hype and confusion to bring you the clarity you are looking for.

David strips it all down and gets to the bare bones in his Annual Markets Forecast and Fortnightly Strategy Update Webinars so that you and his Profit Hunters Group members, professional investors, brokers, advisors, fund managers and SMSF's can base your decisions about the markets, stock, shares and indices that you are interested in on solid foundations, up-to-date market developments and technical analysis.

David answers your questions and reveals what he thinks will happen in the markets for the year ahead and fortnightly updates his forecast as the markets constantly fluctuate.

Hear and see the reasons why David predicts what things will happen, or will not happen, in the markets as he closely monitors and reports on market trends and the latest national, international, corporate and policital developments that may or may not affect the markets, shares or indices you are interested in.

Ask David your questions and see his individual charts as he performs live, his indepth technical analysis and answers your questions with personal advice, recommendations and market and strategy/risk mitigation updates.

@Copyright 2019 David Hunt & Adest Trading Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Adest Trading Pty Ltd, 2/13 Salisbury Rd, 2033, Kensington, Australia
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