Subject: Get your Stock Market Forecast for 2021!

David Hunt Profit Hunters Wealth Retirement SMSF Investment Trade
Targetting Times & Trades in Australian Shares Forex Commodities
Using Cycles and Technical Analysis
Annual Stock Markets Forecast and Fortnightly
Strategy Update Webinar

Jan 11, 2021 | 8:00 PM

Last Year Our Forecast for 2020 said sell shares in Mid February 2020, and the result is below...

Australian ASX 200
What this means is following my rules could have saved conservative investors up to 28% in pain!

Then they bought back in March - and the return is better.

After mid-year, the conservative investor could have gained up to 15% based on today's numbers.

The Forecast for the US Stock market was similar but with the added "Buy end October" That has helped by 16% in the DJIA
These calls can be used by traders and investors alike - there are only 3 or 4 big calls per year.

This has been amply used by at least one PHG Gold Member who wrote to me last night.


As per your general big picture advice to look for opportunities to go long in the indexes between 15 Dec and Christmas 2020...

I went long aggressively in the DAX futures between 13050 and 13200 on the 21 st of Dec. I also bought NAS100, DOW, S&P500 and the SPI on the same day.

It is now 28 Dec and so far my profits are up over 10,000% based on my original capital - I already took a couple of grand profit on the run-up and bought more on dips and also took a nice big chunk of cash tonight based on your advice to make some money off the table.

The FTSE and ASX/SPI have lagged, so these profits so far exclude those two indexes where I am only up about 200% or so. Will see what happens once they open up tomorrow.

You know what David, I have learned to foolishly follow your big picture calls and they have worked wonderfully like the time I made heaps of dough on your call of the market highs earlier (tin) he year.

So let's see what January 11, 2020, holds and where we end up then.

Thank you,
Francois R
28 December 2020"

Francois has been following me since 2013.

The minimum way to follow me is the Bi-Monthly Forecast or the Bronze Membership.

Do you want to know the next January 11, 2020?

Attend the next forecast webinar or join us as a Gold, Silver or Bronze Member by January 2nd 2020.


David Hunt is in his element when analysing markets and spends his days answering questions from clients and students on almost any market you can think of – currencies, equity indices and stocks, metals, oil and gas, grains and livestock, interest rates, and futures and options.

With 38+ years trading experience, David is using his positions as CEO of ADEST and the chairman of Adest Trading to help a new generation of investors and traders thrive and prosper in both rising and falling markets.
David has a B Comm (Hons) and M Comm from the University of NSW.

David identifies risks and opportunities as the markets fluctuate using charts technical analysis daily. He shares with his Profit Hunter Group members his expert long term market advice and recommendations and seizes opportunities as they appear in the short to medium term.
@Copyright 2020 David Hunt & Adest Trading Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Adest Trading Pty Ltd, 2/13 Salisbury Rd, 2033, Kensington, Australia
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