Subject: when is the "perfect time" to go for your Dream, to create a life you Love

Carpé Diem - Seize the Day!
 arriving in your life when you need it most!

From the desk of Florence Rita Rickards, Certified Transformational Dreambuilder Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant and Certified Life Success Consultant 

For the Week of  January 25 , 2021

“The Perfect Time"  

Hello, Friend!

Are YOU Waiting for the perfect time to go after your Dreams? To create a Life You Love?

Don Shula, one of the greatest professional football coaches in NFL history says, 

 "it's the START that STOPS most people". And he is bang on! So, ask yourself this, "if not NOW, then WHEN?"

12 years ago I was sitting in my home office on the 15th floor of a beautiful highrise in Vancouver, looking out the window at some lovely scenery: mountains, trees, and row upon row of streets. And, I was dreaming about moving to the Okanagan Valley where I had vacationed every year for many years and always said to my son and whoe ever else would listen, "someday I am going to move there." That day, a still small voice said to me, "if not now, when?" And I paid attention to that voice. That night I began searching on the internet for places to live in the Okanagan Valley. I knew I wanted to be near the Lake and nature. The following month, I moved to Penticton, BC which is the southern part of British Columbia. There are the most beautiful lakes, hills, valleys, mountains, trees, nature and super friendly people! And lots of nice warm, dry weather and sunshine for many months of the year.

Friend! Don't keep waiting for the "perfect time" to go for your dream. Don't allow fear, doubt and worry, lack of self-confidence, feelings of unworthiness, fear of what others will say, stop you from living the life you are meant to live. From being all that you are meant to be!  My sister Corinne did not wake up on December 9th, 2020. None of us knows what our end date is. So LIVE now! DECIDE to live the life you would love NOW! while you still have time. 

"In some areas, what lies within your reach is enough to stagger the mind. You can double your level of success. Triple it. Far beyond that, you can leverage up your performance to the second or third or fourth power....and beyond."
~ Price Pritchett, PhD, author of YOU2
Quantum leaps are possible. I have experienced them and so have many of my clients.

Don Shula, one of the greatest professional football coaches in NFL history says, "it's the START that STOPS most people". And he is bang on! So, ask yourself this, "if not now, when?"

Don't keep waiting for the "perfect time" to go for your dream. Don't allow fear, doubt and worry, lack of self-confidence, and feelings of unworthiness stop you from living the life you are meant to live. From being all that you are meant to be!
"In some areas, what lies within your reach is enough to stagger the mind. You can double your level of success. Triple it. Far beyond that, you can leverage up your performance to the second or third or fourth power....and beyond."
~ Price Pritchett, PhD, author of YOU2
Quantum leaps are possible. I have experienced them and so have many of my clients.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

Friend, are you waiting for the "Perfect Time" to Go for your DREAM? To "Create a Life you LOVE?

Many people DREAM of living their DREAM "someday". Because they don't think they can have and live their DREAM NOW!! They are convinced by "Common Hour Thinking" and by their present Circumstances and Conditions, that they cannot have their DREAM Live - the LIFE they would Absolutely LOVE living. A LIFE where they CAN wake up every day, refreshed, rejuvenated, energized and ready to greet the day, saying "I LOVE MY LIFE!!" a Life where they are experiencing more abundance, more travel and adventure, more creativity, more fun, more joy, finding the love of their life, more happiness, improved health, starting a business, changing careers, landing that promotion, tripling their income, improving their relationships, completing that degree, retiring and finally living their dreams, writing that book and getting on the speaking Circuit: becoming a popular, well-known, and loved, Singer, Songwriter and Musician. The OPPORTUNITIES and DREAMS are INFINITE!

Sadly, many people stay in a job where they have to check their Soul at the door, and the job is actually having a negative impact on their health, their relationships - at home and at work, with their friendships, and on their level of Joy and Creativity they have in their life. They are unhappy, some are downright miserable! And, sadly some have developed some pretty serious health problems as a result of NOT doing what they would LOVE! Sticking to a job that is literally killing them. In some cases, it is a relationship that is not working and that is having a negative impact on every area of several people's lives.
But instead of taking the necessary steps to manifest what it is that they would truly love, they let their CIRCUMSTANCES and CONDITIONS talk them out of it. More often than not, people are waiting for the "perfect time", for the time to be “just right.” For the time to BE PERFECT! And for everything to be just perfect before they will GO FOR GOLD - GO FOR THEIR DREAM LIFE!!

The REALITY is, that the "perfect circumstances", and the "PERFECT TIME" rarely, if ever arrive/happen.

I can tell you that If I had waited for the "perfect time", I would still be waiting and I would never have created SUCCESS UNLIMITED TRAINING INSTITUTE back in 1983!during a recession and at a time when very few women were starting businesses and fewer still were able to obtain financing from a BANK! But, I had been studying the Invisible LAWS that govern the Universe for many years and I had been studying the Principles and Practices of SUCCESS and I had been studying the Invisible Spiritual Laws that govern the UNIVERSE for many years at this point. And, I created a reliable, repeatable system from turning what seemed to be IMPOSSIBLE DREAMS into REALITY! I left my husband and resigned from my secure job with GREAT PAY and BENEFITS and a GREAT PENSION plan to start SUCCESS UNLIMITED TRAINING INSTITUTE!!
And, it is one of the SCARIEST, but, MOST freeing, energizing, Life Giving, liberating things I have ever done and one of the most EXHILARATING times of my Life! From then on I lived and continue to LIVE an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE! I am a co-author of the book entitled, Living an Extraordinary Life!
I Creating SUCCESS UNLIMITED TRAINING INSTITUTE over 30 years ago and I have gone on to REALIZE one DREAM after another, after another, using the same reliable, repeatable system for bringing DREAMS into REALITY! Of taking what seems impossible and making it possible and bringing it into Reality!!

When I think of all the thousands and thousands of people that I have helped LIVE their DREAMS over the years, and how that would not have happened had I "waited for the perfect time", it moves me to tears. I have realized so many more AMAZING DREAMS since then and I have been blessed to be able to help thousands and thousands of people realize their DREAMS!! I am so very grateful that I answered the CALL!

TODAY, I want to encourage you to BELIEVE in my BELIEF that YOU don't have to keep waiting for the "perfect time" to realize your dream, to really start living your life? Your don't have to stay stuck, or feeling unworthy, or wondering IF you are capable of Realizing YOUR Dream(s); YOU CAN REALIZE YOUR DREAMS! NOW! And, You CAN begin TODAY!!

With my proven, reliable, repeatable system and my personal Mentoring and Support, you CAN realize YOUR Dream(s) faster and easier than you ever thought possible!

Don Shula, one of the greatest professional football coaches in NFL history says, "it's the START that STOPS most people". And he is bang on! So, ask yourself this, "if not now, when?"

Don't keep waiting for the "perfect time" to go for your dream. Don't allow fear, doubt and worry, lack of self-confidence, and feelings of unworthiness stop you from living the life you are meant to live. From being all that you are meant to be!
"In some areas, what lies within your reach is enough to stagger the mind. You can double your level of success. Triple it. Far beyond that, you can leverage up your performance to the second or third or fourth power....and beyond."
~ Price Pritchett, PhD, author of YOU2
Quantum leaps are possible. I have experienced them and so have many of my clients!

Are you one of those people Whatever your dream is, whatever your longing is, whatever your discontent is, pay attention to it because it is sending you signals all the time. And those signals are calling you to more life, to greater aliveness, more abundance, more freedom, more joy, more love, and more of you. They are calling you to your greatest self yet to be.

Just as a blade of grass will push through the cement to reach the sunlight, YOU are being called to your GREATEST self yet to be. You are a special one of a kind, never to be repeated ever again in the history of the universe, unique combination of talents, skills, abilities, attributes, and ways of being in the world. And, you have come to bring what only you can! To deliver what only you can. To BE what only you can BE. YOU are here to make the DIFFERENCE that ONLY you can in a way that ONLY you CAN. There are people waiting right now for you to bring your DIFFERENCE making talents, skills, and abilities to them!! Don't disappoint them by hiding your light under a bushel. By letting YOUR Light shine you give others permission to shine theres!

We are here on this earth not just to pass time or to make it safely to death. We are here for a purpose! Every one of us has a Purpose for our life .

There may not be a "perfect time" to go for your DREAM(s), but, the beginning of a New Year, the beginning of 2021, is an opportune time and you can learn the proven strategies and principles that all the great achievers throughout history have used to realize their dreams and achieve things that the rest of the world only wished they could.
There is an art and a science to dream building and like any art or science it can be taught, learned, and mastered with the teaching, guidance and support of a master coach (that's me:-). You are not meant to do it alone!

You CAN Learn how to create a 2021you Absolutely LOVE! You CAN realize your dream(s)!

Don't let this year be another one of "those" years for you. Decide, commit, take action. Because if you wait until conditions and circumstances are a certain way before going after your dream, you may run out of time!

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." ~ Goethe

DB GR E Don Shula, one of the greatest professional football coaches in NFL history says, "it's the START that STOPS most people". And he is bang on! So, ask yourself this, "if not now, when?"

Don't keep waiting for the "perfect time" to go for your dream. Don't allow fear, doubt and worry, lack of self-confidence, and feelings of unworthiness stop you from living the life you are meant to live. From being all that you are meant to be!
"In some areas, what lies within your reach is enough to stagger the mind. You can double your level of success. Triple it. Far beyond that, you can leverage up your performance to the second or third or fourth power....and beyond."
~ Price Pritchett, PhD, author of YOU2
Quantum leaps are possible. I have experienced them and so have many of my clients.
Friend, are YOU ready to COMMIT to 

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”  
~ Christopher Reeve, actor, producer, director, and writer; best known for his wrole as Superman

 I know that you are, a child of the Infinite; of the Most High…and you are in the process of "becoming".  And you have access to whatever you need to be everything you want to BE, to give everything you want to GIVE…to make the difference you are here to MAKE....and, to BUILD YOUR DREAM LIFE!


I believe in You and the Beauty of Your Dream! 

This is YOUR Life Friend! ~  Together, Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,

PS If you would like some support in becoming crystal clear about Your Dream or some support in realizing your Dream, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month in between my coaching and speaking schedule. So, if you would like a complimentary strategy session with me, (Value = $500), simply click here

Like a beacon on a starless night, I hold the vision of your higher self!

Florence Rita Rickards
MBA, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Certified Life Success Consultant, Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Registered Social Worker (np), Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor (CCRC), Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP), and Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader

To book your Complimentary "ignite Your Dreams" session with Florence, click here - Where Dreams Come True! Where the unbelievable becomes believable!

Ph: 778-484-1028; Fax: 778-484-1034;

"Dreams CAN come true if you have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

P.S. “Together Passion and Purpose create a powerful force that can be used as the jet fuel to propel you into a Life YOU absolutely LOVE Living – a life totally satisfying to your Soul - Your Dream Life! So, listen to your heart, pay whatever it costs and don't look back. Because the price you WILL pay to realize your Dreams is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dreams to die!”
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