Subject: Friend, igniting your desire

Carpé Diem - Seize the Day!
 arriving in your life when you need it most!

From the desk of Florence Rita Rickards, Certified Transformational Dreambuilder Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant and Certified Life Success Consultant 

For the Week of March 15th, 2021

“Igniting Your Desire 

Hello Friend!

Making the decision to dream big can be a scary endeavor for many people, and yet it’s the exercise that leads us to living a life we absolutely love.

What if we gave ourselves permission to dream beyond our current reality? Where could these thoughts take us?

Taking these three steps can help you begin building your dream life.

1. Honor your discontent.

Discontent is an important signal from our soul that something bigger is seeking to emerge through us. Give yourself permission to enter and explore the realm of your deep desires.

Harness this discontent by letting the dream begin to live in your mind and heart as a true possibility. Notice your body and your emotions. Does the feeling of desire heighten and your sense of aliveness? An expanded feeling of aliveness is an important indicator that you are on the right path.

2. Practice repeating “Up until now…” to keep thoughts of your past experience from limiting your possible futures.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get the results you’ve always gotten. Pause for a moment. You’ll hear the old chatter that dictates every reason for not taking a risk. Listen, then pause. All these negative experiences and disappointments may have been true in the past. Now is the time to shrug them off. Your history does not determine your destiny. All your disappointments and regrets belong to a time that is ending at this moment. In the next moment, let out your yearnings in a first roar of awakening. This is a roar of triumph.

3. Consciously co-create with God, and the impossible becomes possible.

Co-creation means you partner with Spirit to build the greatest life you can live. When you recognize yourself as a co-creator, you ask for guidance and break through the self-imposed barriers that have stood between yourself and your desires. Begin each new day thanking God and concentrating on a desire of yours that you previously believed was out of reach. Just for that day, act as if what you wanted was possible. Then see what transforms.

Remember, "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it NOW." ~ Goethe 

It's only too late if your don't Start Now! 

This is YOUR Life Friend! ~ Together, Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,

Florence Rita Rickards
MBA, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Certified Life Success Consultant, Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Registered Social Worker (np), Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor (CCRC), Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP), and Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader

P.S. When Coaching clients I reveal the dream-building strategies that all the great achievers throughout history used to transform their dreams into reality (whether they were aware of it or not).

I didn’t invent these dream-building strategies. But, I have been studying them, using them and sharing them with my clients for over 35 years. I provide them to my clients in a proven, reliable, repeatable, system that is easy to use and follow and that thousands of people from all over the world have used to create extraordinary results in all areas of their lives with speed, ease and accuracy.

P.S.S. Friend, If you would like some support in discovering and building your dreams? In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few Complimentary Dreambuilder Strategy Sessions each month. To schedule a complimentary session with me, (Value = $500), where I will give you my undivided, one-on-one attention click hereTogether we will take a look at where you are, where you would like to be – a life you would LOVE living - and then chart a PROVEN SUCCESS PATH for getting you there!

Like a beacon on a starless night, I hold the vision of your higher self!

Why? Because "Together Passion and Purpose create a powerful force that can be used as the jet fuel to propel you into a Life YOU absolutely LOVE Living – a life totally satisfying to your Soul - Your Dream Life! So, listen to your heart, pay whatever it costs and don't look back. Because the price you WILL pay to realize your Dreams is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dreams to die!” ~ Florence Rita Rickards - Where Dreams Come True! Where the unbelievable becomes believable!

Ph: 778-484-1028;

"Dreams CAN come true if you have the courage to pursue them."~ Walt Disney

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