Subject: feeling stuck in life?

Hi, Friend!

Are you feeling stuck?

Trust me - I’m no stranger to feeling stuck in life. And I want you to know that you can get unstuck.  I know because I have been stuck myself several times. I know what it feels like. And I know how to get "unstuck"!  Even if you think it is impossible. I know I can help you get "unstuck" and living a fully alive, free, life of passion and purpose, happiness, joy, meaning and fulfillment!

At age 16 I was a schoolgirl with a dream of becoming a psychologist. But, to my surprise my dad said, “you're not going back to school. You're just a woman and you don't need an education. It’s time you get a job and start paying room and board.” 

So, I got a job at the local Greek restaurant as a waitress. We had just moved from Winnipeg and I did not have any friends. I was being severely abused at home - physical beatings, verbal and emotional abuse. It was like living in a war zone. One night my mother beat me so bad I had fist size bruises from head to toe. Then she dragged me down a flight of stairs by my pony tail and cut off all my hair. That night I was sure she was going to kill me. She was in such a rage she came at me with the scissors again saying she was going to cut up my face. I jumped from the 3rd story window onto the roof of the shed and then down to the ground. 

I ran to the only person I knew, Andreas, the cook at the restaurant where I was waitressing. He was 26 years old. He said he would marry me and take me away from all the abuse. Instead he disappeared when he found out I was 3 months pregnant never to be seen or heard from again.

My father was so angry with me when he found out I was pregnant that he would not let me come home. Keep in mind that this happened in the late 60’s when being an "unwed" mother was shameful. I landed in a homeless shelter and on welfare. All I could think of was Andreas. I was in love with him. I thought he loved me. How could he leave me? I was heartbroken and ashamed. Here I thought I was going to get married and get away from the poverty and abuse of my childhood and instead I end up pregnant and homeless. I was beyond devastated. I cried a lot. 

But, as difficult as my situation was, I was determined to keep my baby and give him a good life. As soon as my son was born, I went back to school to complete my grade 12 and a clerk-typist course. I would work and go to night school forever if that was what it took. I just wouldn’t give up. In my heart of hearts, I KNEW there had to be more to life than being impoverished and abused and struggle. 

My dream of becoming a psychologist seemed impossible but still I wanted to help people - so they would not have to suffer the way I had suffered growing up. I could not imagine back then the extraordinary life that I would end up living!
When my son was 6 years old, I discovered a way to go for my passion and purpose - my Soul's Calling. And, let me tell you, once I found the way, the burning desire rose up in me like a volcano ready to burst forth! I took out a student loan and became a social worker. 

It wasn't a psychologist, but it was my passion and purpose - it was helping people so they would not have to endure what I had endured. It was helping people overcome adversity so that they could be all that they are capable of being - helping people achieve their maximum potential so that they could realize their dreams.

Once I zoned in on my passion and purpose, my soul's calling, the successes started pouring in.

I was the only one in my family to graduate from College and then University. I became a professional registered social worker, a certified rehabilitation counsellor, a certified human resources professional, a professor at the university teaching in the grad and undergrad programs, and an award-winning speaker, author, consultant, and coach. I've created incredible businesses that help people realize their dreams! My first was Success Unlimited Training Institute in 1983. In 2004, I was honored to receive The Woman of Distinction Award, The Courage to Come Back Award and the Sperling Teaching Excellence Award. I've been on TV and Radio programs and in numerous publications. I have and continue to live an amazing life. And, you can too!

My purpose now is igniting the fire of the dream within YOU so that YOU can create and live the life you love! THIS is what gets me out of bed in the morning. It's what fires me up, energizes me, and fills me with joy and enthusiasm! It is the rocket fuel for my life. My passion and purpose in life is helping YOU live  your Passion and Purpose in Life. It's helping YOU create and live a life YOU Love!

Over the years I have navigated many challenges and adversity but knowing my purpose has truly helped me to defeat poverty, abuse, lack of education, and, most recently, a life-robbing, debilitating disease that put me in a wheelchair.

When I was diagnosed with an incurable, multi-system disease, the leading specialists told me there was no hope and that I should "ACCEPT” my fate. I ended up in a fully customized, electric rehab wheelchair, barely able to stand or walk for more than a few minutes, with a host of other debilitating symptoms including unrelenting pain and fatigue. I must admit I was stuck for a while. But, I DID NOT accept that! 

Instead, I decided to take my focus off what the doctors were saying and began refocusing on applying the proven principles of success and the invisible laws that govern our universe that I had been studying, teaching and applying to my life since 1979.  I got back to focusing on my passion and purpose.  And in 2013, I got up out of my wheelchair, rebooted my business and began doing what I LOVE again. That made all the difference for my health AND my life.

I am hoping that by sharing my story, you can see why passion and purpose matter so very much in our lives! And what a key role it plays in you overcoming any and all adversity.

Friend, it would be my honor to support you with a FREE Passion & Purpose Discovery Session with me. We'll meet over the phone or Skype, and you will get my eyes, my ears, my heart, and my 30 + years of experience focused on You, Your Life, Your Passion, and Your Purpose, for 60 minutes. How does that sound?

If by chance you have not completed the Passion and Purpose Assessment and would like to, you can still download the Assessment here.

You really CAN create a life you absolutely love living… even if you are stuck right now. I can help you get unstuck. I know because I have been stuck myself several times. I know what it feels like. And I know how to get "unstuck"!  I want to be there fore you. And, I know I can help you. Even if you think it is impossible, believe in my belief right now

If you are "in", simply book a date and time on my calendar.

I am really looking forward to hearing from you, Friend, and to supporting you on your journey to living a fully alive, free, life of passion and purpose, happiness, joy, meaning and fulfillment!

It’s YOUR Life Friend! ~ Let's Make It A GREAT One!
Florence R. Rickards

P. S. The price you will pay to realize your Dream is small, compared to the price you must pay for permitting your Dream to die!

P.S.S. If you haven't downloaded it yet You can still download the Assessment HERE.
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Create a Life YOU Love Institute, 1170 Brookside Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 5T4, Canada
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