Subject: feeling stuck?

Dear Friend,

You may be looking at someone and thinking, how in the world have they achieved so much, so fast? You know, those people who appear out of nowhere and skyrocket to success almost instantly? (And, the answer is not that they work harder than you or that they are smarter. In fact, the answer is not what most people think.)

Here’s a fact that not many successful people share: Their fast growth and massive breakthroughs often come as a result of working with a coach or mentor. 

In fact, many successful people spend thousands and even millions of dollars to hire the best coaches. Tony Robbins’s elite clients pay him over 1 million dollars yearly for 1-1 coaching. Why would these already massively successful people spend so much money on coaching?

Because they know that private one-on-one coaching with a really good coach is incredibly powerful. It can save a lifetime (sometimes literally) of trial and error.

Imagine you are crossing a continent. If you were to do it on foot and without a map, it would take you months, maybe even years. Imagine all the terrain you'd cross. The winds, the storms and the scorching sun you would endure along the way. The trials, tribulations and pitfalls you would encounter.

But what if instead of walking, you took a jet or a high-speed train? You could admire the peaks and valleys along the way, instead of struggling through them and get to your destination in a matter of hours or days instead of years.

Working with a great coach is your personal jet, your high-speed train ticket. She recognizes what’s holding you back because she completed the journey herself without a map and then with a map and now she has helped thousands of people just like you thousands of times. She'll give you the map - so you can avoid the lengthy journey and the many pitfalls. She'll give you the tools and everything else that you need to scale to new heights. She'll guide you, support you and encourage you along the way. And she'll help you avoid the “blind spots” that you cannot see, but she can. Like a lighthouse, she lights the way in the dark, keeping you from crashing on the rocks. She holds the vision of your higher self steady and out in front of you, so you always remember where you are headed.

How long do you think it takes to see massive positive shifts in your life? To get unstuck? To break Free? To figure out what is holding you back? To achieve success in business? To turn a rocky relationship around? To change your eating and exercise habits? To improve your health, lose those extra pounds, or find your soul mate?

I've helped my clients get unstuck, break free, and become the person they've longed to be, and do what they've always wanted to do!  And together, we've been able to do it faster and easier.

Hear it from my client, Courtenay Pitcher, Business Owner:

Here are some of the results I experienced after just a few short weeks in your program:

1. Tremendous growth overall in my business,
2. I manifested a $10,000 gift simply by being grateful.
3. Improved relationships with my employees, clients and family,
4. I found renewed joy and enthusiasm
5. I've gained a new business partner and secured two new speaking engagements.
6. My whole family has begun an exercise program, and I've started to shed pounds and build muscle.
7. I've increased my rate/fees with one of my clients, and now I'm doing more creative and rewarding work. My relationship with this long-term client has improved, and I feel more respected."

Here’s what another client, Regina Leung, Holistic Healer, had to say about the work we did together:

“The 12-week DreamBuilder Program was the most transforming period of my Life. It was gratifying to know that even the slightest effort on my part in applying your teaching generated immediate and significant results.”

Immediate and significant results. That’s the power of 1-1 coaching.

Today, you have an opportunity to experience high-level, transformational coaching.  Over the next few days, I am gifting a powerful Discovery Session to passionate folks just like you who are ready to drop the struggle, tune into their passion and purpose, and create the life they love living. But, I am only gifting 5 sessions. 

In this 60-minute intensive we will work together to create a crystal-clear vision of a life you absolutely love! We’ll take a look at where you are, where you would love to be, and how I might be able to support you in getting there. And if you are ready, we will chart a path - an actionable strategy for you to transform your life - so that changes you thought would take years, will happen almost overnight.

Don’t take the slow route. Make use of my 30+ years of experience helping individuals ignite their passion, achieve their maximum potential, accelerate their results and realize their dreams! 

Book your Complimentary Passion & Purpose Discovery Session today – either pick a date and time on my calendar OR reply directly to this email ( and let me know you would like to set up a session. I will get back to you and propose times when we could meet.

No more waiting, Friend. I know you are ready for a change. Let’s talk now. 

It’s YOUR life! ~ Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,
Florence R. Rickards

P.S. My clients achieve results faster, easier and with way less effort! I would love to help you make the changes you want to make in your life. Book your session now.
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