Subject: become a high powered magnet to attract everything you want?

Hi Friend!

You KNOW you are supposed to be living a much larger life than the one you are living now. But how do you begin on that path? Are you even clear on what that dream life looks and feels like to YOU? 

What most people don’t realize is that every great leader, role model, visionary, and legend visualized their future LONG BEFORE they achieved the greatness they’ve become known for.

It all starts with a dream, a vision, a burning desire to be or to do something. So it’s crucial that you know how to write a Highly Calibrated, High Powered Vision that will have you being a Powerful Magnet attracting to you everything you desire.  

So grab a pen and paper, and let’s work on your vision today. There are a few things that are essential to writing your highly calibrated, powerful vision statement (that's why you might need help). I encourage you to follow these tips closely to create a highly magnetic vision that will attract to you the people, places, things, and resources you require for the fulfillment of your heart’s desire. It will help you create a life you LOVE!

1. Write down (handwriting is best) what you would LOVE your life to look and be like in four main quadrants: Health, Relationships, Time and Money Freedom, and Career/Creative Expression.

Allow your imagination to run free and imagine (picture in your mind's eye) what you would truly LOVE to experience in these four areas in as vivid detail as possible.

Be Specific — Create the blueprint. Paint the picture. When we get definite with the Universe, the Universe gets definite with us.

Examples of questions to ask yourself when writing your vision:

How many copies of your future book would you like to sell?
How many people would you like to serve with your business?
What character traits does your ideal partner have? How does she or he treat you?
How much money would it take to create your desired lifestyle?
How much time do you want to spend with your family?
What would it feel like to be in perfect health? What would you do then – run a marathon, learn how to dance the tango, maybe go hiking with your kids or grandchildren?

2. If you have a hard time identifying what you would LOVE, list out your longings and discontents in the four areas - this will help you get clear what you would LOVE. 

3. State your vision in the present, as if you are already living that life: “I am healthy,” I am prosperous,” “I am a bestselling author.” This helps program your mind for success and abundance now, today – not someday in the future. Starting each part of your vision with the words, I AM, lends power and magnetism to your vision statement and how you feel about it.

4. Bathe your dream in gratitude — write it this way — “I am so happy and grateful now that…” Be as grateful for it when you write it, as you expect to be when you actually receive it. 

5. This or something better still — hold your dream with an open hand. This allows room for God to work. There are many ways that your dream can materialize. It is not your job to know the how, just the what.

Think about what Steve Jobs said in his 2005 commencement address at Stanford, “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Time is a limited resource. Once spent, it cannot be renewed. Write your vision NOW - today! It is only too late if you don't start NOW!

And if the old paradigm and fears grab you by the throat and you get stuck writing your vision – I am here to help you. We can get together for a FREE Dreambuilder  Discovery Session, and I’ll guide you through composing a crystal-clear vision that will inspire you and motivate you to take action and create a life you LOVE! 

You can either schedule your session on my calendar by clicking this link, or you can reply directly to this email ( and let me know you would like to set up a session. I will get back to you and propose times when we could meet.

 It’s YOUR life Friend! ~ Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,
Florence R. Rickards
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