Subject: Webinar rescheduled to March 22nd - 2016

Hello, Friend!

I just wanted to let you know that due to a family emergency, the "You CAN Realize Your Dreams!" Live Training - Webinar has been rescheduled to March 22nd - 2016 at 5pm PST. Please make a note of this in your calendar.

I am enthusiastic about this training and really looking forward to seeing you there!!

Remember, at the training you will Learn what really causes Success and Failure and How To Bring YOUR Biggest Dream into Reality!

And I will share the following with you:
  • Two essential keys for tuning into your purpose.
  • A 5-point test for determining whether your dream is right for you. 
  • Simple thinking-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry. 
  • What wealthy people do that creates sustained success.
  • The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated and override it. 
  • A proven method for dissolving resistance you may have to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of results and abundance.
  • The 1 critical thing you must give up in order to reach your dream.
  • Three powerful words that can override any negative belief
  • 2 strategies to discover the next best step towards your dream

Till then, this is YOUR Life! So, Let's make it a GREAT one!

Your Coach and Partner in Believing,
Florence R. Rickards

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First name: Friend
Create a Life YOU Love Institute, 1170 Brookside Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 5T4, Canada
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