“DREAMBUILDER” Mentor arriving in your life when you need it most!
From the desk of Florence Rita Rickards, Certified Dreambuilder Coach, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant and Certified Life Success Consultant
For the Week of January 21st , 2019
“ONE Life...Just ONE. Why aren't YOU running like YOU are on fire towards YOUR wildest DREAMS?"
Hello, Friend!
You have ONE life....just ONE. So, do you ever wonder why you aren't running like you are on fire towards your wildest Dreams?
Steve Jobs said, "If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you will most certainly be right. So ask yourself tomorrow morning when you look yourself in the mirror, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" ~ Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011) Time Waits for no one! And time is the most precious, non-renewable resource that we have. Yesterday is gone and you can't get it back. None of us knows what our end date is - how much time we have left to make our mark, to live that dream, to create our legacy for our children, our grandchildren! None of us knows how much time we have left to make the difference we are here to make! To BE the person we are meant to BE! To DO what we would really, really, down deep LOVE to DO!
If not NOW, when, Friend?
Most of us have 2 lives. The life we are currently living and the “unlived life”. Most of us long to live our true Passion and Purpose. But instead, we settle. Why? Becasuse our Paradigms keep us stuck. Paradigms are those inner critics and programmed voices in our head, ususally from childhood. Usually things that well meaning parents, siblings, teachers, the clergy, said to us while we were growing up.
These voices want to keep things just as they are. They say things like, "I can't right now, I don't have the money, I'm too old, it's too late, I'll fail, I don't have the time, or, I failed the last time I tried, or, Bob/Sally(whoever) says I need to do such and such first, they will laugh at me, If only this and if only that" and on and on those paradigms go convincing you NOT to take action! And they will keep you stuck right where you are and you will continue to experience the same old, same old, forever! Unless you take action to deal with those Paradigms. If you don't, your paradigms will continue to determine how you shall live. And, it will NEVER be the RIGHT Time for you to go for your Dreams. And, eventually... you will run out of time.