Subject: Join me in Celebrating the Life & Legacy of Bob Proctor

Hello, Friend!

On February 3, 2022, my mentor, Bob Proctor, ascended in his Luminous Soul to “All That Is Life”, as he always called it.

I was blessed to meet Bob in 2001 and he introduced me to one of the greatest books I have ever read, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. 
I read it on a regular basis and practice what it teaches. I have also shared the book and the Program that Bob created based on the book with many clients. It has had an enormous impact on my life and the life of those I coach and work with. I was also blessed to be Coached by Bob Proctor when I made the decision to become a Certified Bob Proctor Consultant in 2007. I continued to be blessed by his teachings and in 2016 was one of 197 individuals from all over the world invited to be a part of an incredible new Program that Bob and Mary Morrissey were creating: The Invisible Side of Success. 

I know Bob’s teachings have touched many of you. And, with the amazing impact his work has had, I believe you would want to have the opportunity to celebrate his life and teachings in a way that’s fitting for a man whose work changed and continues to change the lives of millions of people all over the world! 

Join me in the Celebration of Bob’s life. It will be live streamed on February 27, 2022 at 2PM Eastern Time.

For me, Bob was an inspiring mentor who changed my life and made my world so much richer. I am eternally grateful that he was able to achieve his dream of spreading his work to every country in the entire world. What an amazing dream!

Our world is brighter and more hopeful because of his presence, and I believe his teachings will continue to inspire countless generations.

I hope that you can attend and share in the glorious memories of a life so well lived. Join me in celebrating the tremendous gifts he gave to the world.

Like a beacon on a starless night, I hold the vision of your higher self!

This is YOUR Life Friend! ~ Together Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,

Florence Rita Rickards
MBA, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Certified (Bob Proctor) Life Success Consultant, Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Registered Social Worker (np), Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor (CCRC), Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP), and Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader

Book your Complimentary Dreambuilder Strategy Session and START 2022 with a BANG! You will come away with a Powerful VISION of the Life YOU would LOVE to LIVE and a clear path for getting there easier and faster than you could ever imagine. 

If you have not already done so, you can Download the FREE Passion and Purpose Assessment here.

FREEOnline Video Course: How to Create and Live a Life YOU Love! Enroll here - just scroll down the page.;
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"Dreams CAN come true if you have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

P.S. Together Passion and Purpose create a powerful force that can be used as the jet fuel to propel you into a Life YOU absolutely LOVE Living – a life totally satisfying to your Soul - Your Dream Life!  So, listen to your heart, pay whatever it costs and don't look back. Because the price you WILL pay to realize your Dreams is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dreams to die!”
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