Subject: I have a DREAM - Martin Luther King Jr.

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Hello Friend!

We are all here on this earth for a purpose! For every one of us it is something special, something unique. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life had a purpose! And he stepped up and into purpose with passion, perseverance, commitment, and determination. He did it in such a way that it moved a nation in 1963. And his words and actions continue to inspire, motivate and move a nation today! 

Martin Luther King Jr. answered his call. He was called to serve! And serve he did! He is celebrated and honored for many reasons. In one of his many letters he said this:

“I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”– Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963

There are a number of reasons why this day is celebrated. Here are just a few of the many reasons: 

Martin Luther King Day celebrates the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America. His words were inspiring, but they weren’t just words that he voiced. He actually lived a life fighting for freedom and justice. He withstood threats against his life as a result of standing up for his beliefs.

Martin Luther King Day honors the life of a fighter for racial justice and equality. It celebrates this equality in a society that he dreamed to become color-blind. He stood up to make a difference for every race. His words spoke for every nationality, to feel no segregation. This is not to be known as a “black holiday”; it is known as a “peoples’ holiday.”

Martin Luther King Day celebrates that he was a peaceful man. He spoke with his voice, not with violence. He knew that nonviolence meant that his voice was not drowned out. People were more apt to listen to non-aggression.

Martin Luther King Day honors his bravery. He endured threats, beatings, and bombings. He went to jail 29 times to achieve freedom for others.

Sadly, Martin Luther King Jr. was was fatally shot - assassinated - at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. 

He was an advocate of non-violent protest and became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have A Dream” Speech, in front of the Nation's Capital, moved a Nation!! And, his "I  Have a DREAM" speech is still being referred to all over the world. I shared his speech with some of my students in my graduate and undergraduate Communication classes at the University. For me, his speech was a Powerful example of how one individual used his Passion, Purpose and inspirational communication to Inspire and Move a Nation then and NOW! What he said in 1963 is as relevant today as it was back then. Perhaps it is even more relevant today!

Each one of us is here to share that "special something" with the world. YOU are here to share YOUR unique Passion and Purpose so that you can make the difference that you are here to make, the difference that ONLY you can make.

Rumi, the ancient poet said this: "You can accomplish a hundred other things, but if you do not accomplish 'the one thing' for which you have been sent, it will be as if you have done nothing."

 "There is 'one thing' in this world you must never forget to do. If you forget everything else and not this, there's nothing to worry about, but if you remember everything else and forget this, then you will have done nothing in your life.

It's as if a king has sent you to some country to do a task, and you perform a hundred other services, but not the one he sent you to do. 

Friend, are you doing that "one thing"

This is YOUR Life Friend! ~ Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Much love to you, ❤️

Your Partner in Believing,

Florence Rita Rickards
MBA, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Certified Life Success Consultant, Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Registered Social Worker (np), Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor (CCRC), Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP), and Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader

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"Dreams CAN come true if you have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

P.S. “Together Passion and Purpose create a powerful force that can be used as the jet fuel to propel you into a Life YOU absolutely LOVE Living – a life totally satisfying to your Soul - Your Dream Life! So, listen to your heart, pay whatever it costs and don't look back. Because the price you WILL pay to realize your Dreams is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dreams to die!”
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