From my ♥ to yours.... Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Friend!
2020 has been quite the year, hasn't it? I think that qualifies as a huge understatement! What do you think?
COVID 19 really hit many of us hard. Some of us have lost loved ones: aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children, grandparents, friends. Personally, I lost my sister Corinne to COVID 19. She was my best friend growing up. Most people thought we were twins up until our teen years. Until then you couldn't tell us apart. We were close, really close. So it hit me hard, really hard! My heart goes out to all of you who have lost loved ones.
There have been other losses too - loss of health, job, income, business, relationships and more. My heart goes out to all those who have experienced those kinds of losses as well.
I was not spared. I did not come out of 2020 unscathed. COVID has impacted me in many ways. But, one thing has not changed for me and that is my Purpose on this earth. I have been blessed to be crystal clear on that one since I was a child. And, some good things came out of 2020 as well and that is what I want to focus on. I hope its what you want to focus on too!
I know that 2020 meant lots of people had to do things differently, very differently. People had to get real creative to survive! And, others innovated and became inventors creating new things.
I love the quote from Napoleon Hill, "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." I always say, "Every problem is an opportunity in disguise".
Did you know the best way to Predict your future is to CREATE it?
And the good news is that you now have another 525,600 minutes ahead of you to CREATE a year that you LOVE - a life that you LOVE!
Today, you are on the first page, the first day of 365 days, the first few minutes of 525,600 minutes - the first day of what could be a whole new Life for you!
We are all here on this earth for a purpose! For every one of us it is something special, something unique. You are here to share that "special something" with the world. You are here to share YOUR unique Passion and Purpose so that you can make the difference in our world that ONLY you can make.
Rumi, the ancient poet said this: "You can accomplish a hundred other things, but if you do not accomplish 'the one thing' for which you have been sent, it will be as if you have done nothing."
"There is 'one thing' in this world you must never forget to do. If you forget everything else and not this, there's nothing to worry about, but if you remember everything else and forget this, then you will have done nothing in your life.
It's as if a king has sent you to some country to do a task, and you perform a hundred other services, but not the one he sent you to do"
Friend, are you doing that "one thing"? Are you living your life's Purpose? If not, today is a NEW day, a NEW year! a NEW beginning, and you can CREATE it the way you want it - the way you would LOVE it to BE! To support you in doing that "one thing" and CREATING Your BEST year EVER in 2021, I would like to gift you a one hour Complimentary Discovery Session with me. But, I only have a few spots to offer, so Book one of them now.
Here's to you experiencing good HEALTH, Giving and Receiving LOVE, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, having FUN, MUSIC, LAUGHTER and JOY, experiencing MEANING and FULFILLMENT as you share YOUR unique PASSION and PURPOSE with the world and Create Your BEST year EVER in 2021!
This is YOUR Life Friend! ~ Together, Let's Make It A GREAT One!
Much love to you and yours, ❤️
Your Partner in Believing, |