Subject: Happy Mother's Day!

Hello, Friend!


Today is a Very Special Day because it is a day that we honor the Mother's in our life. It is an opportunity to show extra Love and Appreciation for our Mothers who cared for us from the time we were in the womb and then as tiny babies, changing our diapers, cleaning up our messes, getting up in the middle of the night to feed us, caring for us when we were sick, helping us with our school work, taking us to our activities, standing up for us when we got into trouble, bailing us out of trouble, worrying when we stayed out too late, sacrificing many of her own needs for many years, to give us the best so that we would have what we needed to grow and develop and become.....

I know that each one of us has our own story about our mother. But, no matter what that story is, we usually only have one mother! And when your mother leaves this plane, no matter how many wonderful things you did for her and with her and no matter how many wonderful conversations you had, you will always wish you could sit down and have a chat with her or just BE with her again.....even if your relationship with your mother was a difficult one, you will still wish you had the opportunity once again to sit and talk to her or just sit and BE with her, see her smile one more time, hear her voice one more time.....

So do something extra special for your MOM today!! no matter what the circumstances and no matter how you feel......You will be glad you did! My mother left us on Mother's day of 2013 and I would give anything to see her, to sit and talk to her, to hear her voice, to see her smile, hear her laugh, to take her for a drive and to Dairy Queen for a cone or a sundae, or out for a meal.

I am sending Love to all the Mothers and to all those who have played a "mother's" role! I was a single mom at a very young age and so I was mother and father to my son. And, I know there are many men who are single parents and are being both Mother and Father to their children. In today's society, Mothering comes in all shapes, sexes and sizes! :-) So, to all those who are being Mothers, Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy YOUR Day! 
With Love, <3

Florence R. Rickards

MBA, Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery & Life Success Consultant, CHRP, RSW, CCRC, Cert. Professional Co-Active Coach

Ph: 778-484-1028;
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