Subject: Happy Easter! - a time for Love, Hope, Renewal, New Beginnings, Bunnies, Easter Egg Hunts and Family

Hello, Friend! and Happy Easter to You!

Easter means different things to different people.And I want to acknowledge that in my Easter Greetings to you. You are a special, one of a kind, never to be repeated every again in the history of the universe, unique combination of talents, skills, abilities, and attributes and you have come to BE and to DO what ONLY you can in the way that ONLY you can. YOU are here for s special Purpose.

What does EASTER mean to you?

Easter means Easter Egg hunts and chocolate Bunnies for some, Good Food and Family Visitis for others. And for still others, it means Church Services, a time of Worship and renewal. And, for some, it means all of the above. :-) 

I love seeing the children line up at the Mall for a picture with the Easter Bunny! :-)
And the joy and happiness experienced as the litle children go on Easter egg hunts and then have such fun and enjoyment with their chocolate Easter Eggs and chocolate Easter Bunnies.Such a happy, precious time for innocent little children.

For believers, eggs have a deeper meaning. Eggs symbolise new life, as Jesus began his new life after his resurrection on Easter Sunday. And cracked eggs and little chicks, are symbolic of an empty tomb.

For me, Easter is a time for Gratitude, Contemplation, Self Reflection, Renewal, Forgiveness, and new beginnings. If you are wondering if you have someone or something to forgive, ask yourself, "am I breathing?" Forgiveness is a process and a practice. You don't just decide to forgive one day and then that's the end of it. The issue(s) that need forgiveness will come up again and again so we forgive, again and again. Forgiveness is an ongoing Process and a Practice

To Forgive means to "give for"; to give up one perception for another more freeing, more liberating and life giving perception. A Course in Miracles says, that "to forgive is to remove a block in my awareness to love's presence." The block in me is being held by a resentment. I want to let it go....I don't want to harbor any resentments for anyone.

Another way of working on forgiveness is to ask yourself, "Who am I "BEing? Am I being the person I want to BE? Am I harboring any resentments?"

Years ago, I didn't really undersand what a resentment was. And, a good friend of mine gave me a definition that was really eye opening for me. He said that a resentment is: "to re feel a hurt". Most anger comes from hurt - emotional pain that comes from how we are perceiving things. But, we CAN choose to hold a different perception.

Friend, has someone you loved with all your heart and soul "betrayed", you? "Lied" to you? "Cheated" on you? "Stolen money" from you? Or, let you down in some way? Perhaps someone Disappointed you, Didn't live up to your expectations? Have you failed at achieving a worthy goal? Perhaps you feel you have let yourself down?

I have experienced all of the above in my lifetime and more, and not just once but several times.And so, Part of my Forgiveness Practice, includes Forgiving me. 

Jesus experienced the ultimate betrayal that led to extreme suffering, crucifixion, death and Resurrection!! He rose again and he forgave!

If you are holding on to any resentment, any past hurt or painful experience, you are only hurting yourself because resentment burns the vessel it is contained it. It is like holding a piece of hot coal, expecting to throw it at someone thinking that you won't get hurt, but meanwhile the hot coal is burning you. Another way of looking at harboring resentments is this, "resentments burn the vessel they are contained in!" 

You CAN Choose another way! You can choose to forgive and to have another perception and to set yourself free. Ask youself, "If you had the same situation to live over again, would you handle it differently"? If yes, forgive and you are free to go. Forgiveness can be like daily hygiene where you take a shower and you start fresh. And as you go about your day, if the person or situation comes onto the streets of your mind, say, "I wish you well. I wish you well. And let it go."

If you are ready for a fresh start, ready to Transform your Life and your Results, and would like some help, you can book a Complimentary Begin Anew Session with me. I am here to support you. <3 And/or you can complete the Passion and Purpose Assessment that will get you in touch with your GOD Given Purpose. We are all here on this earth for a Divine Purpose! WE are here to Make a Difference! 

With Love from my heart to yours, at this very special time of year!

It’s YOUR Life Friend! ~ Together, Let's Make It a GREAT One!

Your Coach and Partner in Believing,

Florence R. Rickards

MBA, Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery & Life Success Consultant, CPHR, RSW (np) CCRC, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader
Download the FREE Passion and Purpose Assessment
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Create a Life YOU Love Institute!

P.S. The price you WILL pay to realize your Dream is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dream to die!
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