Subject: Happy Easter Monday - time to Resurrect Your Dream!

Hello, Friend! and Happy Easter Monday!

Easter time means different things to different people.

For some, Easter means Easter egg hunts and chocolate bunnies. For others, Easter means family visits and sharing a special meal. And for still others, it means Church Services, a time of Worship and renewal. And, for some, it means all of the above. For me, Easter is a time for Gratitude, Contemplation, Self Reflection, Renewal, Forgiveness, and new beginnings.

And, I just love seeing the children line up at the Mall for a picture with the Easter Bunny! And I love watching the joy and happiness the little children experience as they go on Easter egg hunts and then have such fun and enjoyment with their chocolate Easter eggs and chocolate Easter bunnies. It's such a happy, precious time for children.

For believers, eggs have a deeper meaning. Eggs symbolise new life, as Jesus began his new life after his resurrection on Easter Sunday. And, cracked eggs and little chicks, are symbolic of an empty tomb.

And so, Easter season is an opportunity for Rebirth and New Beginnings.

If you have a Dream that you have given up on, I want to encourage you today, to begin anew! Resurrect that Dream! Breathe new life into it with Belief and Faith! Believe Big! Expect big - don't settle for less-than. That is not what God wants for you!

If you are not living your DREAM, You CAN resurrect that DREAM and bring it to life! You still have time? It’s only too LATE if you don’t start NOW! 

You are a special, one of a kind, never to be repeated ever again in the history of the universe, unique combination of talents, skills, abilities, attributes and ways of being in the world, and you have come to BE and to DO what ONLY you can, in the way that ONLY you can. YOU are here for a special Purpose! GOD breathed life into you and placed a Dream in your heart. God is all powerful! And the Power that is breathing you, and giving you life, is stronger than any circumstance or condition you could or will ever face! So be Strong and of Good Courage! Have Faith! FAITH as small as a mustard seed can move mountains!

Right about now, you may be thinking of all the reasons you can't resurrect your Dream. 

But Faith starts with just a tiny, tiny seed. And, from that tiny seed, tender buds sprout and the miracle of new life blooms and thrives. But, how do you experience this same miraculous and extraordinary growth in your own life, with your own special, unique Dream?

Sometimes our life is limited because we are believing too small. And so, to help you breathe new life into your Dream - to help you Dream Big! and Expect Big! help you bring your dream into reality, 

I have a special gift for you -- 
a "Guide to Writing your Ignited, Magnetic Vision for your DREAM"! 
And, I will send you this special Guide in my next newsletter to you. And, to help you Dream Big and fine tune your Vision and really bring it to life, I will be offering you a Complimentary Visioning/Dreambuilding Session! So, stay tuned and watch for my emails.

In the meantime, remember....Dreams CAN come true if YOU have the Courage to pursue them!

This is YOUR Life Friend! ~ Together, Let's Make It a GREAT One!

Your Coach and Partner in Believing,

Florence R. Rickards

MBA, Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery & Life Success Consultant, CPHR, RSW (np) CCRC, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader
Download the FREE Passion and Purpose Assessment
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Create a Life YOU Love Institute!

P.S. The price you WILL pay to realize your Dream is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dream to die!
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