Hello, Friend!
What does EASTER mean to you?
Easter means Easter Egg hunts and Bunnies for some, Good Food, Chocolate Bunnies, Easter Eggs, and Family Visitis for others, and for still others, it means Church Services and a time of Worship.
For me, Easter is a time for contemplation, awareness - self awareness, renewal, forgiveness, and new beginnings. If you are wondering if you have someone or something to forgive, ask yourself, "am I breathing?" Remember, forgiveness is a practice.
Then, ask yourself, "Who am I "BEing? Am I being the person I want to BE?
Am I harboring any resentments?"
What is a resentment anyway? My defintion of a resentment is: "to re feel a hurt". Most anger comes from hurt - emotional pain. That comes from how we are perceiving things. But, we CAN choose to hold a different perception.
Has someone you loved with all your heart and soul "betrayed", you? "Lied" to you? "Cheated" on you? "Stolen money" from you? Or, let you down in some way? Perhaps someone Disappointed you, Didn't live up to your expectations? Have you failed at achieving a worthy goal? Perhaps you have let yourself down?
I have experienced all of the above in my life time and more, and not just once but several times.
Jesus experienced the ultimate betrayal and death. But he forgave and rose again!
If you are holding on to any resentment, any past hurt or painful experience, you are only hurting yourself. You CAN Choose another way!
If you have been knocked down and lost everything -- the love of your life, your home, your money/savings, your job/career, perhaps even your health...
START OVER! BEGIN ANEW! Easter is a time of hope, renewal and new beginnings!
Use the pain and the experience to grow, to learn, to expand who you are as a spiritual being having this human experience - this really very short in the grand scheme of things, experience called LIFE. Carpé Diem! Seize the day! Begin anew TODAY! All you need to do to begin anew is to CHANGE YOUR THINKING! Change your thoughts and you will change your results and your life! As you think, so you become.
Henry Ford said, "Whether you THINK you CAN, or THINK you CAN'T, you are right." When faced with challenges where things seem hopeless or impossible, remember, we all contain far more power and way more potential than any circumstance, situation or condition. Easter is a reminder of this as it comes at a time of year when nature begins to spring into new life after appearing lifeless for months.
Just as the trees appear dead and lifeless during winter and then spring forth with life and new, green leaves, You too CAN begin anew and create the life of your Dreams...a life YOU love...a life totally satisfying to your Soul.
If you are ready for a fresh start in some area of your life and you would like some help, book a Complimentary Begin Anew Session with me now. I am here to support you. :-) <3 with love and light at this very special time of year,It’s YOUR Life Friend! ~ Let's Make It a GREAT One!
Your Coach and Partner in Believing,