Subject: Easter Eggs, Bunnies and Easter Sunday

Hello, Friend!
Friend, What does EASTER mean to you?

Easter means Easter Egg Hunts and Bunnies to some; Good food and family visitis to others; and Church services, prayer and fasting for othters.

For me, Easter is a time for contemplation, forgiveness, awareness - self awareness. If you are wondering if you have someone or something to forgive, ask yourself, "am I breathing?" Forgiveness is a practice.

Ask yourself, "Who am I "BEing"? Am I being the person I want to BE?

Are you BEing the person you want to be? Are you harboring any resentments? What is a resentment anyway? My defintion of a resentment is: "to re feel a hurt". Most anger comes from hurt - emotional pain. That comes from how we are perceiving things. You CAN choose to hold a different perception.

Has someone you love with all your heart and soul "betrayed", you? Lied to you? cheated on you? stolen money from you? Have you failed at business, or at achieving a worthy goal? 

I have experienced all this in my life time and more and not just once but several times. But, think about all that Jesus experienced.  And on "Good Friday", the ultimate betrayal - his crucifixtion. Judas, his friend and disciple, sold him out for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus did not hold any resentments towards anyone. He went to the end of his life, forgiving all, knowing that he was transcending all the hurt, emotional and physical pain, betrayal, and finally even death.

You might ask, "Why is it referred to as "Good Friday"? My interpretation is that it is called Good Friday because it is a GREAT DAY, a GOOD day, because it is the day that Jesus showed us that we can transcend any hurt, betrayal, pain, suffering. That we do not have to harbor resentments that burn our insides and destroy our happiness.

If you hold on to the resentment, you are only hurting yourself. You CAN Choose another way and when you do, you will be blessed greatly!

If you have been knocked down, heart broken and have lost everything -- the love of your life, your home, your money/savings, perhaps even your health for a time,



Use the pain and the experience to grow, to learn, to expand who you are as a spiritual being having this human experience - this really short in the grand scheme of things, experience. All you need to do to begin anew is to CHANGE YOUR THINKING! Change your thoughts and you will change your life! Sounds easy. But I know it is the hardest work you or I will ever do. To THINK what you want to THINK, despite appearances is the hardest work you will ever do. But, you CAN do it!! If it is true for one, it is true for all. If I CAN do it! you CAN do it!

and, Friend if you want support with it, I am here to support you. You can book a Complimentary Strategy Session with me, where you will receive my undivided attention, I will listen and not judge, and I will bring all of my 30+ years of knowledge and experience to bear on your current situation. You will leave the Session with a crystal clear Vision and a Plan of action. You can schedule your session here:

with love and light at this special time of year,

Your Coach and Partner in Believing,

It’s YOUR Life Friend! ~ Let's Make It a GREAT One!

Your Passion Igniter and Partner in Believing,

Florence Rita Rickards
MBA, Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery & Life Success Consultant, CHRP, RSW (np) CCRC, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. Certified Laughter Leader
Ph: 778-484-1028; Fax: 778-484-1034; HOME of the FREE Online Course: "How to Create and Live a Life YOU Love!"

Create a Life YOU Love Institute! ... Where Dreams Come True!
Where the Unbelievable Becomes Believable!

P. S. The price you will pay to realize your Dream is small, compared to the price you must pay for permitting your Dream to die!
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