Subject: Celebrating Valentines Day!

From the desk of Florence Rita Rickards, Certified Dreambuilder Coach, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant and Certified Bob Proctor Life Success Consultant 

Feb 14th, 2022


Valentine's Day  

Hello, Friend!

I think many people celebrate Valentine's Day by showing the people they love and that are special to them, that they Love them. They buy them a card or flowers, or chocolates, or perform some loving act like a phone call or making them a special dinner. Some may even be able to "go out" for dinner depending on the COVID restrictions in your area. Never the less, everyone, every single being on the face of this earth on any day of the week or year, can always use some extra LOVE!! We don't have to wait for Valentine's Day to show and tell people we love them. 

For me Valentine's day is just another day where we can give LOVE and show LOVE. Where we can show people that we love them and how much we care about them and how much they mean to us, by simply letting them know.  By doing some little thing or by doing something special, by sending a card, a note, a text, making a phone call to say "I Love You", sending flowers or giving one flower. When we were not in the midst of a World Wide Pandemic, I would suggest giving someone or several people a hug or smiling at everyone you see. Right now most of us are wearing masks, social distancing and isolating! 

NOW more than ever people can and will benefit from any act of KINDNESS or LOVE. Don't wait to tell someone, "you are very special to me and I love you!" The ways we can show people love are endless really. Here are some more ideas: a kind word, opening the door for someone, paying them a sincere compliment, acknowledging someone for something, thanking them for being there, providing positive feedback for a job well done, performing a kind act, paying for someone's meal or coffee, Letting someone go ahead of you in a grocery line up, letting someone know you appreciate them, telling the cashiers and grocers you are so happy they are there and you appreciate them, telling your friends and loved ones their top 5 strengths or what you love and admire about them. There is so much more that we can do to show people we love them and care about them, not just on Valentines day but every day! DON'T WAIT TO TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM!! DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE!! None of us knows what our end date is! I know that many of you have lost loved ones during this Pandemic! I did! I lost my dear sister Corinne to COVID. And my MENTOR, one of the greatest mentors, teachers and speakers when it comes to the Invisible Laws that govern the Universe and the Laws that Lead to Success and Transformation, BOB PROCTOR died on February 3rd, 2022. 

So please don't wait. Tell all those people who are important to you and special to you, that you love them and appreciate them!! 

Today I sent personal messages to as many people as I could given the time I had and that included messages to the Deli Clerks in Walmart and the Store Clerks and Managers everywhere I shop. I am so very grateful for them. We have so much to be grateful for given what we have dealt with in the past 2 years. 

I am SUPER GRATEFUL FOR YOU!! I am happy and grateful that you are still on my list given that I have not written nearly as much as I did prior to COVID! But, I will be writing you more often again now. And, I will be sending you Inspiration, Expert Tips, Proven Tools, and information about upcoming Special Events that will be designed to Help You Create a Life of Passion and Purpose - a Life YOU Love, a life totally satisfying to Your SOUL! 

I am sending you much Love <3 today and Every Day!

It’s YOUR Life Friend! ~ Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,

Florence Rita Rickards

MBA, Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Certified Life Success Consultant, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader, CHRP, RSW (np), and CCRC.

Ph: 778-484-1028; Fax: 778-484-1032;

P. S. The price you will pay to realize your Dream is small, compared to the price you must pay for permitting your Dream to die!
FREE Online Video Course: "Create and Live a Life YOU Love! (scroll down) 

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