Subject: Friend, there has never been a better time .....

Carpé Diem - Seize the Day!
Your Message for the week, arriving in your life when you need it most!

From the desk of Florence Rita Rickards, Certified Transformational Dreambuilder Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant and Certified Life Success Consultant 

For the Week of  November , 2020

“There has never been a better time..."

Hello, Friend!

Did you know that Many of the worlds greatest inventions and best, most innovative companies were created in the worst of times. And there is not doubt that we are in one of the most difficult times in over a century. But, the good news is that 

"In every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater opportunity”. ~ Napoleon Hill 

"Within every adversity is an equal or greater benefit.Within every problem is an opportunity. Even in the knocks of life, we can find great gifts.” ~ Napoleon Hill

So, whatever your dream is, “NOW“ in the midst of the worst pandemic the world has seen in a century, is the best time to go for it! “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." ~ Napoleon Hill

"If You Can Dream it, You Can Live it! It is possible!" ~ Florence Rita Rickards

It's true! There’s never been a better time to implement that idea, start that business, write that book, complete that course,complete your degree, become a singer songwriter musician, learn to dance, write that song, find the love of your life or, fill in the blank.

You might be thinking it’s too late for me, or I’m too young, I'm too old, I don't have the money, I don't have enough education or experience, or they will laugh at me, or "who do you think you are?" Don't let those voices stop you. There are thousands of people right now, realizing that they are meant for more and so are YOU! You are a special, one of a kind, never to be repeated every again in the history of the universe, unique combination of talents skills abilities and attributes. And you have come to Be and to Do what ONLY you can in the way that ONLY you can. YOU are here to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

So ask yourself right now, “if I had all the money, education, self-confidence, and everything else that I needed to do and to be what I would love, what would that be?" What would you love? Take some time right now and write down what you would love. Don't let the voices in your head stop you. Listen to the part of you that is still able to Dream and right now, write down what you would love. 

I want to support you in creating your Vision. And, I have a step by step guide that will help you write your vision - an ignited vision that will be a magnet for you to attract to you everything that you need to realize your Dream. And,Friend, if you would like a copy of my Guide to Writing Your Magnetic, Ignited Vision, just send me an email and type "magnetic, ignited vision" in the subject line and I will send it to you right away. 

in love and light,

Like a beacon on a starless night, I hold the vision of your higher self!

Florence Rita Rickards
MBA, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Certified Life Success Consultant, Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Registered Social Worker (np), Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor (CCRC), Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP), and Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader - Where Dreams Come True! Where the unbelievable becomes believable!

Ph: 778-484-1028; Fax: 778-484-1034;

"Dreams CAN come true if you have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

P.S. “Together Passion and Purpose create a powerful force that can be used as the jet fuel to propel you into a Life YOU absolutely LOVE Living – a life totally satisfying to your Soul - Your Dream Life! So, listen to your heart, pay whatever it costs and don't look back. Because the price you WILL pay to realize your Dreams is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dreams to die!”
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