Subject: Become a magnet for your DREAM!

Carpé Diem - Seize the Day!
Your Message for the week, arriving in your life when you need it most!

From the desk of Florence Rita Rickards, Certified Transformational Dreambuilder Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant and Certified Life Success Consultant 

For the Week of  October 5, 2020

“6 Steps for Matching the Frequency of
 Your DREAM! 

Hello, Friend!

Your present reality is determined by your frequency. Therefore if you want to live your Dream Life - a life you would love living, you must match the frequency. Think of your frequency as a radio station. With a radio station, the channel you tune into is the frequency of that channel - that station. And that particular station broadcasts certain programming. Unless you tune in to the right station, you will not get the music you want. For example, if you tune to 101.5 - you get Country and Western – you don’t get Classic Rock or Easy Listening! It is the same with the TV. If you put your TV on the CNN channel, you get CNN – Constantly Negative News! You don’t get the Discovery Channel.

Your thoughts together with your feelings determine your frequency - your vibratory level. If you are wondering what your major dominant frequency is, look at the results – your current conditions. You cannot, not create. You are always creating with your thoughts and feelings. You cannot, not attract. This Law of Attraction/Law of Vibration works all the time! Hence, your frequency attracts your reality. If you want to create something different, something new, you need to tune to a different frequency. You need to think and act differently and vibrate at a different frequency. Albert Einstein said, “Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

The good news is that you get to choose. You might ask, “How am I going to stay on the frequency long enough to realize my vision? Often we access the frequency for a short period of time and then our mind goes to thoughts of fear, doubt worry: I can’t because I am not educated enough; young enough; good enough; because I don’t have the money; and on and on goes the list of "be"causes. People generally believe in the power of their conditions. But, the power breathing you is greater than any circumstance or condition you could ever face!

So your job is to notice what you are thinking and feeling and then put your thoughts and feelings on your vision, the life you would love living, and then stay on that frequency as much as possible. As you learn to fiddle with the dial of your own thinking, you will begin to notice what you are thinking. Then as soon as you realize you have wandered off 88.5 onto 101.9, you can get back onto 88.5.

Learning to control our thinking and our feelings – our frequency, is like tethering a monkey. Did you know that the space shuttle spends 97% of its time off course, yet it can land on the moon with accuracy. That is because it is constantly correcting itself. We can do the same thing. It is not about not making mistakes, it’s about getting back on course. The good news is that YOU CAN DO IT! You can notice what you are thinking, hit the pause button, correct, and like the space shuttle, get back on course.

Here are 6 steps that will help you get in alignment and stay on course to the life you would love to live. If you do these steps on a consistent basis you will become a magnet for your dream life!

1. Visualize – or picture in your mind a clear picture of what you would love to create. Clarity is key! Ask yourself to become even more clear. Remember, it is the START that stops most people. So, if you are not sure what you want, start by listing what you don’t want and that will help identify what you do want.

2. Sensorize – or bring your five senses: see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, into the experience. What does your Dream smell like? Smell is a little used tool that has amazing frequency producing power. What does your Dream sound like? What does it feel like? What’s in your hands? What are you touching? What does your dream taste like? Perhaps there is a meal you are enjoying in a favorite city in a particular country as you fulfill your dream. Visualize a moment that represents your dream. Get into the emotional state of your vision and impress your vision upon your mind.

3. Emotionalize – Our feelings are simply frequencies that we broadcast. Your vision will activate your heart centre. Begin with the end in mind (reverse imagery). See yourself getting a 10, winning the medal, delivering the talk, see the crowd cheering and feel the elation, the happiness, the joy or excitement. Feel to the core of your being, the thrill of knowing that you did it!

4. Memorize – Once you have completed practice #3, memorize the frequency/vibration. How? Repetition gains recognition. This is where the rubber meets the road. Repeating over and over step #3 till the feeling is anchored in your being! Repeating and holding the frequency longer makes a difference!

5. Stabilize – We cannot go through life without dealing with some tough challenges, some bumps in the road that throw us off course. Just remember the shuttle to the moon is constantly correcting itself.

6. Actionize – Ask yourself, what quick, confident action can I take right now that will build momentum - something you know you can do well and will succeed at, something that will be a win for you? The first throw of the football game is not an 80 yard throw. It is a short confident action to build confidence and momentum. One small action a day, doing what you can, with what you have, can go a long way to creating success!

The life you would love is seeking to be expressed by you! Don’t settle for inspiration. Inspiration without action is merely entertainment. It is in the action that you make it yours. By practising these 6 steps on a consistent basis you will become a magnet for your dream!

If you don't have a vision of the life you would love to live and would like some help creating a crystal clear vision of what your DREAM is, I encourage you to schedule your Complimentary DREAMBUILDER Strategy Session (value $350) today. 

In this special session, you and Florence will take a look at where you are, where you would love to be, and together you will create a crystal clear Vision of the life you would LOVE living and chart a PROVEN SUCCESS PATH for getting you there!

It’s YOUR Life Friend! ~ Let's Make It A GREAT One!

Your Partner in Believing,

Like a beacon on a starless night, I hold the vision of your higher self!

Florence Rita Rickards
MBA, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Transformational DREAMBUILDER Coach, Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Certified Life Success Consultant, Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Registered Social Worker (np), Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor (CCRC), Registered Rehabilitation Professional (RRP), and Certified Therapeutic Laughter Leader - Where Dreams Come True! Where the unbelievable becomes believable!

Ph: 778-484-1028; Fax: 778-484-1032;

"Dreams CAN come true if you have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

P.S. “Together Passion and Purpose create a powerful force that can be used as the jet fuel to propel you into a Life YOU absolutely LOVE Living – a life totally satisfying to your Soul - Your Dream Life! So, listen to your heart, pay whatever it costs and don't look back. Because the price you WILL pay to realize your Dreams is small, compared to the price you MUST pay for permitting your Dreams to die!”
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