Subject: ◷ Early Bird Pricing Ending Soon! ◷

Hallo Friend,

Yesterday I announced the opening of my new workshop - The Free Spirit's Way To Happiness.  And I also announced some awesome pricing for Early Birds!

So this was supposed to be a quick reminder that this pricing is only valid for 24 hours - and that the deadline is approaching FAST...  

But technology really is playing games with me and my email didn't go out as planned!!!  

So, because you didn't get a reminder, I'm extending the deadline - but only for a really short time to be fair to those who did act really fast...  

In fact the deadline is now only just over 2 hours away.

By my calculations it runs out today at (November 10) 1pm Sydney - so that translates to November 9 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern, November 10 2am London.... and the rest you can work out here.  

So if you're sitting on the fence - it's time to decide - are you in or are you out?

It's up to you - I'd love to have you in the group - but if you're not ready to take the plunge - then maybe next time you will be.  

But don't count on it. Because if there's one thing I know - it's that when you want to do something - you need to take that first step - and when you do, everything you need to make your decision a reality will turn up just when you need it.

But YOU have to take the first step - the Universe is funny like that - it likes to know you trust it before it does its thing...

OK - I said short and sweet - so I want to keep my word. Not like yesterday when we went 30 minutes over!! But I was having so much fun :)

So go check out the details and I'll see you on the inside...
Free Spirit Unleashed
Live Life Your Way & Thrive

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions please connect with me – I’d love to hear from you!
P O Box 2118, 2076, Normanhurst, Australia
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