Subject: Unique opportunity on LinkedIn

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Most people are ignoring this opportunity, Friend.

The new video feed on LinkedIn.

And that’s because of an irrational fear of doing video.

I get it. I was afraid too…

But publishing video content has never been easier. You can get a short video out in 5 minutes or less.

More on that later.

First, let’s see why video.

There are two major advantages to publishing video content right now, especially on LinkedIn:

  1. You’ll get a lot more clients faster. Someone who hears you speak about your expertise is much more likely to trust you to deliver than someone who reads a few words they can’t even be sure you wrote.

  2. You have a unique opportunity to go viral. LinkedIn’s video feed is new, and they currently don’t have enough content to place in the feed. So before it gets crowded, the chances they’ll pick up on your video are extremely high.

People with 1,000/2,000 followers on LinkedIn are getting millions of views with the simplest videos.

Let’s break this down:

You can continue posting on LinkedIn and add Video with little effort.

Why not write your posts as you’ve been doing and just add a short clip of you talking about it?

You’d be killing two birds with one stone. Those who like consuming your written posts can continue doing so, and you’ll pick up on a new audience, more video oriented.


Each of these videos would have a chance of being picked up by the video feed and go viral.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Write your posts and use them as scripts for your videos.

  2. Use bullets and record your videos, then use the transcript for written posts.

Justin Vajko, who owns a video agency, explained why he thinks the latter is much more efficient here.

Publishing video is much easier than you think.

There’s AI based software available that will record you on your phone, give you a chance to script edit straight away and just download the completed video.

One example is Riverside. That’s what we use for the LinkedIn Marketing Mastery podcast.

If you haven’t heard of script editing, this is an AI-based editing style where the software generates the transcript of the video and you just delete parts of the text as you would in a word document and it edits the video accordingly.

In other words, these days, if you can edit a word document, you can edit a video.

In our podcast, Justin also said that he advises outsourcing the editing to remove friction.

What should you say?

Well, if you’re already publishing text content on LinkedIn, then you know what your audience is interested in.

Just add a quick video of you saying the same thing.

The structure is the same:

  • Hook

  • Delivery

  • Summary

  • CTA

You’ll gain their trust much faster generate more and warmer leads.

But what if you’re scared of getting in front of the camera?

That’s perfectly normal, Friend.

The first time I got in front of a camera was as scary as it gets…

But you know what happened the second time?

It was way less scary. And the third time even less.

Until… now I feel as comfortable with a camera recording me as I do without it.

Give it a try.

The worst that could happen is you learning something interesting about yourself.

For more tips on this, watch our interview with Justin on YouTube or Spotify.

Talk soon!



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