Subject: The unachievable dream you were sold on LinkedIn

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Yesterday, I was scrolling through LinkedIn when I saw a familiar name with another outrageous earnings claim.

Knowing what I know about this person, these were clearly lies.

I immediately texted a friend and started whining about it.

Call me naïve, but I never thought so many people lied so blatantly on social media…

Well, they do.

More than I thought.

Probably more than you think.

This got us talking about the most common and blatant lie on the platform…

The LinkedIn Dream:

“Write content and leads will flood your inbox.”

You've probably figured out that's not how it works in the real world by now, Friend.

From the moment I started spending time on LinkedIn, posting content, and engaging with other creators, something smelled fishy about the dream being sold...

From my experience as a marketer, I knew it’s a rarity to get a lead out of social media content alone. And seeing these claims in my feed raised my eyebrow enough to start digging.

95% (my estimate) of creators (even the big ones) telling you…

“Here’s how I got to 6 figures in 6 months

  • Write good hooks

  • Post every day

  • Be consistent

  • 3 pillars”

are full of shit and only make money with the courses they sell you teaching the same BS.

(Some actually believe it themselves because they did it at a time where this was possible due to low offer of content and high demand for services.)

There is a way to get inbound leads directly from your content.

But telling people to DM you to know more isn’t it.

Think about it, when was the last time you saw a LinkedIn post and DMed someone to get on a call with them because you needed their services?

Coming from an advertising and direct-response background, I knew a better way.

One that actually works.

One that hasn’t reached the social media marketing masses yet.

(I don’t know why tbh, maybe because it’s not as easy to sell as a dream.)

But it’s still simple.

It starts with a reframe:

Your leads won’t come to you unless you give them a reason to.

I’ve been transforming my clients content into lead attraction machines for months now.

They used to post to build:

  • Trust

  • Authority

  • A personal brand

They’re still doing it. Their content hasn’t changed.

But now they’re also averaging 3 to 10 leads per published post.

But they’re not coming to their LinkedIn inbox.

They’re coming in to their email list.

And all we did was add inbound systems and a small CTA tweak to the end of most posts.

Now instead of replying to hundreds of DM inquiries that never existed…

They can send an email to their entire list with the same information.

It all starts with building a Lead Magnet aligned with both their offer and the prospects needs.

By downloading the right LM they’re also telling you what they need (i.e. qualifying themselves as leads).

I’m working on a bunch of resources to guide you through this process…

Stay tuned!

In the meanwhile, if you’re building your email list but are stuck with something or want to start and don’t know how, feel free to reply to this email with your questions.

I’ll help out as much as I can.



P.S.: I just published episode 9 of our LinkedIn Marketing Mastery podcast where we talked to Beatrice Gutknecht about building a badass brand.

I believe branding and marketing are siblings and won’t work one without the other these days.

If you want to listen in, you can do it on YouTube or Spotify.

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