Subject: Should you do less LinkedIn and more…?

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Let me ask you a question, do you have a marketing strategy?

As surprising as it may sound, most people don’t.

And they only realize they should have had one when it’s too late…

Last year, someone came to me asking for advice because they’d lost their Twitter (X) account with 60k followers.

All their business came from Twitter. Now what?

Even if they could get their account back, how long would that take, and how long could the business survive without revenue?

My first reaction was, "please tell me you have an email list and we can keep the cash coming and even use this to expand your reach…."

His answer, “I was planning on starting one…”.

If I had a $ for every time I’ve heard that I wouldn’t need to have these conversations in the first place.

The Simplest Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy doesn’t need to be fancy or composed of 10 channels.

I’d never even recommend a business making less than 6 figures to be on more than 2 social platforms, unless your business is social media management, and even then you should master 1 first.

So how can you bulletproof your business against the whims of social media algorithms?

Use your platforms wisely.

Understand their place in the strategy.

Everything starts with the email list.

The email list is your most valuable asset. No one can take it from you or control the way you communicate with the people in it.

But the email list doesn’t grow on its own.

Use your social media content to grow your email list.

  1. Good content grows your audience and your reach.

  2. Give them a reason to subscribe to your email list (i.e. lead magnet).

  3. Most of your sales should be done through the email list.

Email has an ROI of 3,800%.

Apart from social media presence, I always recommend having a search based channel. This pays off big time in the long term.

I didn’t upload anything to my small YouTube channel in 3 years and still made sales.

Here are some platforms where you can rank content in search and be discovered for years to come:

  • Your blog

  • YouTube

  • Pinterest

  • Medium

  • Quora

Here’s what my main strategy looks like atm:

LinkedIn + YouTube → Email list → my services.

Simple, right?

A few more things are in the works, but this is enough to more than feed a business and protect it from falling apart because of one account suspension, closure, etc…

I believe most people procrastinate starting their email list, because of the false belief that it’s hard to do so.

I’ve set up simple email inbound strategies in as little as 1 week.

Friend, if you’ve been thinking of starting your email list but keep delaying it, reply to this email and I can show you how easy it can be in a quick call.

Talk soon!



P.S.: This Friday, we spoke to one of my favorite marketing strategists on the LinkedIn Marketing Mastery podcast, Adriana Tica, and she shared her personal strategy, where LinkedIn fits in it, and what the most important medium is for her (spoiler: it’s email).

If you want to listen to Adriana’s advice on strategy, you can tune on YouTube or Spotify.

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