Subject: Selling without selling is the only way for me

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I never liked sales much, Friend

Do you?

I’ve worked in sales and constantly study sales techniques for marketing.

But I don’t like 1on1 selling.

Even though I have to do it to book clients.

So I found a compromise…

Instead of sales calls, I do assessment calls.

Where I teach what I do and people ask me to do it for them.

Easy, right?

Well, there’s still a process.

If you go out to a random person telling them “here’s what I can do for you”, you’ll probably be ignored or rejected.

You need to earn their trust first.

Earn the right to show them how you can help.

But don’t listen to me, listen to the latest guest in the LinkedIn Marketing Mastery podcast; Ash Smith.

Ash is head of sales for Strategy Ladders,

and his knowledge on the subject is that of a wealthy 80yo.

And he gave us so many tips in only 1h…

I felt like I was drinking from a garden hose.

Wanna listen to this master class on Buyer Behavior and sales techniques?

Here’s the link to the episode on YouTube and Spotify!

Talk soon,


P.S.: Are there any guests you'd like to see on our show? Reply to this email and let me know. We'll try to make it happen.

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