Subject: Friend, Do you really want to go viral?

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I went viral once, Friend

In 8 years of content creation across 5 platforms.

Well, I had other pieces of content that did well…

But that one went over the 600,000 page views.

A blog post.

But what did I get from that piece of content?

Nothing much, besides a few hard lessons!

Because I didn’t have a strategy back then.

So when a piece of content had so many eyeballs on it,

it didn’t bring me any leads, or sales, or revenue.

The lesson I learned?

There are 2 essentials for your content to work for you!

1 - Content Strategy

What are your business goals?

Where should you content be moving your prospects to?

Decide on those first. And define a strategy accordingly.

2 - Mastering Storytelling

Do you remember the last guide you read about content creation?

What about the story of the 3 little piggies? Do you remember that one?

But that’s not even what I mean with storytelling...

It’s mastering the art of telling little stories of events that happened to you and tie them to a lesson you want to teach.

That’s what makes unforgettable content!

We had a live audio event last Friday on Content Strategy.

Here’s the recording!

And tomorrow we’ll be live with Storytelling Secrets.

Register here!

Talk soon!



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