Subject: 3 pillars to a successful creator business on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn is not your business…

…but your business can thrive on LinkedIn, Friend.


It’ll become clear as water in a second.

LinkedIn is not your business!

And your business shouldn’t depend on it.

Or any other such platform.

You should be leveraging these platforms, not needing them.


A while back, someone reached out to me saying:

“I just lost my Twitter account with 65,000 followers.”

“I tried everything and they’re not returning it.”

“I don’t even know what I did wrong.”

“And they won’t tell me.”

The first question I asked…

“Do you have an email list?”

As I feared, the answer was No.

This wasn’t the first, nor will it be the last such message I receive.

This happens to a lot of marketing uneducated people,

because they depend too much of these platforms.

It’s only natural though…

They learn how to build an audience on that specific place,

and it becomes their only means of getting clients.

But all you need is this one formula, to bulletproof your business!

The 3 pillars to leverage any platform to build YOUR business

without becoming dependant of it:

  1. Getting noticed.

  2. Building an audience.

  3. Moving them closer to you.

This same formula can be used anywhere,

but I’m going to explain how it works on LinkedIn.

1 - Getting Noticed

You get noticed by creating helpful content.

But the way for your content to be seen is different on every platform.

On LinkedIn, a professional networking platform…

how do you get your content seen?

By networking with others.

Find those whose content you like, and engage with them as much as possible.

It starts with reciprocity.

You comment enough on their content,

if yours is good,

they’ll start doing the same.

Others will start to find your content too and engage with it.

This brings us to pillar no.2

2 - Building an Audience

By being consistent with your posting,

getting better at content creation,

and building your network…

You’ll start building an audience.

People who like your content so much,

they’ll want to see it every time you publish.

Remind them to follow for that.

(We’re all busy thinking about our own stuff)

Now the last pillar and arguably the most importance to leverage LinkedIn for your business.

3 - Move them Closer to You

These people follow you because they like what you have to say.

But them seeing your posts is not in your hands…

Even with notifications active,

LinkedIn might not show them what you post.

Or you might get shadow banned…

Or suspended…

But do you know what’s in your hands?

The emails you send.

Just like this one.

The best way to move your audience to your email list,

is by giving them something helpful to donwload.

A lead magnet. A freebie. Whatever you want to call it.

Here’s a video I published a few days ago guiding you

how to build an email list on LinkedIn.

This was a long one Friend. But hopefully worth it.



P.S.: This Friday, we’ll have our full team together answering any questions on these 3 pillars.

A content strategist, a LinkedIn profile expert, and a marketing strategist.

Click here to add it to your calendar, if you want to join us.

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