Subject: 1 to 1 vs 1 to many

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“Why would you be DMing your contacts 1by1

if you could reach them all with one email?”

That’s a question I asked a friend who has been running his business through DMs on LinkedIn…

He’s a master at building relationships.

And getting people to buy his offers.

But as his business grows, he can’t continue reaching out to people one by one.

If you play your cards right,

those interested in what you do will be:

  1. Visiting your profile.

  2. Finding your first offer.

  3. Subscribing to your email list.

  4. Start receiving value and offers automatically.

A scalable creator business.

→ You’ll have a percentage of your audience always subscribing to your list.

→ Receiving your nurturing messages and offers automatically.

Your list grows.

→ Receiving your offers and updates every time you email.

↳ Click one button, email your entire list of leads.

You communicate 1 to many = scalability.

Wanna see how you can leverage LinkedIn to build such a machine?

I just published a video showing how I do this.

Click here to watch!

Talk soon!



P.S.: This Friday, at 10am BST, join us live as we talk about

building “Profitable Relationships” with my friend Kevin Downling.

The “Sales Jedi”.

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