Subject: You needed this to leave your home area or go to jail.

What is The Pass System?

Dear subscriber,

The Pass System was a policy implemented by the Canadian government in the late 1800s and early 1900s that restricted the movement of Indigenous people in certain areas of the country.

Under this system, Indigenous people were required to carry a pass at all times, which they would need to present to government officials in order to travel or conduct other activities outside of their reserve.

The purpose of the Pass System was to control and regulate the movements of Indigenous peoples, as the government believed that Indigenous peoples posed a threat to settlement and resource development in the western parts of the country.

The Pass System was a form of surveillance and control that aimed to restrict the freedom and mobility of Indigenous peoples, and it was used to enforce the Indian Act and other laws aimed at controlling and assimilating Indigenous peoples.

The impact of the Pass System on Indigenous peoples was devastating. The restriction on movement and the associated lack of access to resources and opportunities contributed to the ongoing marginalization and oppression of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

In addition, the Pass System reinforced the power dynamic between Indigenous peoples and the government, further entrenching the government's control over Indigenous lives and communities.

Today, the legacy of the Pass System is still felt by Indigenous peoples in Canada, and the impacts of this policy continue to shape the experiences of Indigenous communities.

It is important that we continue to educate ourselves and others about this aspect of Canadian history and its impact, and to work towards a future that is more equitable and respectful of Indigenous rights and cultures.


Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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