Subject: Why do we have Reservations in Canada?

Understanding Reservations in Canada

Dear reader,

The creation of reservations for First Nations in Canada was a significant event in the history of Indigenous peoples in the country.

Beginning in the late 1800s, the Canadian government established a policy of reserve creation as a way to manage and control Indigenous populations.

Under this policy, First Nations were forced to abandon their ancestral lands and move to designated reserves, where they were subjected to strict government control and regulation.

Many of these reserves were located in remote, inhospitable areas with limited access to resources and opportunities, and conditions on the reserves were often dire, with high levels of poverty, disease, and violence.

The impact of the creation of reservations on Indigenous peoples has been profound and lasting.

The loss of land and resources, combined with the restrictions on movement and other freedoms, has contributed to the ongoing marginalization and oppression of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

In addition, many First Nations communities continue to experience high levels of poverty, poor health outcomes, and limited access to education and other opportunities.

Today, the ongoing effects of the creation of reservations are still felt by Indigenous peoples in Canada, and the legacy of this policy continues to shape the lives and experiences of First Nations communities.

It is important that we continue to educate ourselves and others about this important aspect of Canadian history and its impact, and to work towards a future that is more equitable and respectful of Indigenous rights and cultures.


Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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