Subject: We are all connected

Everything is Connected and Has a Spirit

I was sitting in ceremony and listening to the Elder Speak.

He was speaking in Cree and recently i've been waking up the

language in myself to understand what the Elders talk about.

As he held his pipe up and blew smoke from his mouth, he spoke and

prayed for the ceremony being held.

He talked about how all things are connected. Even as far up to the sky into the stars.

As everything is connected, when you spread hate, you are only spreading hate to yourself.

We are connected to the water, to the fire, to the wind, to the earth.

In science they galled it the Gaia Theory. Where they studied this same idea and philosophy that everything is connected and that Earth itself is one living organism.

In quantum physics they talk about how everything is made up of the same thing they called - The God Particle.

Albert Einstein said everything is energy.

Indigenous people had an understanding of this, how everything is connected and has a spirit.

That is why we pay homage to the Trees, to the Fire, to the Earth, Wind and Water.

They are our relatives.

Thinking about what other people call "Resources" as "Relatives" will make you treat it a little differently.

That is why many Indigenous people still follow the protocols for offering tobacco to these relatives.

Remember that we are relatives, and we are all connected.

Talk soon,

Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

PS - If you got any value from todays Foundational Knowledge, please send it to a co-worker.

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