Subject: Truth Is....

When I started online marketing, it was around

2015 and I was struggling to pay rent ($895) and

to keep food in the fridge.

I really wanted a better life for my family but couldn't

seem to figure it out.

I didn't have a college degree, so I was stuck

working dead end jobs like working at Radio Shack.

A friend named Kameron introduced to me Network

Marketing and I thought it would be a good side income.

I made a little bit of money getting some of my friends

to join ... but that was it.

I sucked at trying to get people to join my business.

Like anybody trying to find answers...I went to Google

to try find a solution.

That's when I found this guy named Mike who was selling

a book on how found success in MLM for $49.

I ended up buying that book. In fact you can still buy it here.

It actually taught Affiliate Marketing.

We could sign up and sell his products and get a commissions

and then call up our customers to recruit them into

our MLM thing.

I followed the steps in the book..

And guess what?

I actually started making-money.

Not a lot of money...

But $20 here and $20 there...

I couldn't believe it...real people buying products I was

promoting and it made me some real side-hustle-income.

Then I Joined a System

After finding initial success with Mike, I found another

guy name David.

He was some homeless guy who ended up making-millions

doing this blogging thing.

He made a system that paid out 100% commissions.

I thought that was cool and I joined.

It wasn't cheap cost me like $5,000 to join.

I didn't get success right off the bat. In fact I spent a lot

of money that I didn't have to go to conferences that

they had every 3 months.

I went to Las Vegas, Denver Colorado, Miami Florida,

and Chicago.

It was tough...

But each time I went....I had a breakthrough.

And I started to make sales...

$25 here...$100 there...and then Boom $1,000 sale would

come in.

That was so awesome.

When Real-Money Came In

By this time, I wasn't making anything where I could quit

my job doing...

But I started to get a real passion for helping youth.

Because I came from a tough background with not a lot...

I felt like I wanted to help youth and it's become a passion

of mine.

I shifted my thinking of the-money I made would go back

into creating programs for the youth.

That's when I started to make some good-money.

Maybe it's because I had a real reason to start getting

results other than just family.

Today we live in our dream's the facebook live

video I created when we moved in.

We make enough-money to not worry about bills.

We can take trips whenever want (pre-corona)

We can buy almost anything we want...

But it came down to just keep working on it.

Keep grinding.

Keep working on yourself.

Keep staying consistent.

Now It's Your Turn

I went through the grind to learn so You don't have to.

I know how to get traffic, leads, and sales.

You came to my website to learn how to make-money but some reason you didn't take action.

You can go to the GURUS and buy their products but do they have the time to talk to you?

Probably not...

Since I'm not big time... ($7,000+ a month) online... I am not so far out of reach where you can't get a hold of me.

I'm here to help.

If you are ready to start your journey....

I invite you to look at the system that I'm promoting that can

help you learn internet marketing today.

If any of my story resonated with you...

Then I invite you to click here to watch this webinar and

consider making a decision to join us now :)

Talk soon,


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