Subject: This 15th century principle, still effects Indigenous People today.

How the Doctrine of Discovery Impacted Indigenous Peoples

Dear reader,

The Doctrine of Discovery is a historical legal principle that was used to justify European colonization of lands inhabited by Indigenous peoples.

 It was first articulated in the 15th century and became the basis for subsequent European claims to territory and resources in the Americas and around the world.

The Doctrine of Discovery stated that any lands not inhabited by Christians were available to be claimed by European monarchs.

This notion was used to justify the displacement of Indigenous peoples and the seizing of their land and resources. As a result, Indigenous peoples were often subjected to violence, exploitation, and forced assimilation.

The Doctrine of Discovery also had far-reaching legal consequences for Indigenous peoples, as it was used to support the transfer of land and resources from Indigenous peoples to European colonizers.

This led to the loss of vast territories and resources, and to the marginalization and oppression of Indigenous peoples.

Today, the impact of the Doctrine of Discovery is still felt by Indigenous peoples around the world. Many Indigenous peoples continue to face challenges related to land rights, sovereignty, and cultural preservation.

The ongoing legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery highlights the need for ongoing efforts to respect and protect the rights of Indigenous peoples.

In conclusion, the Doctrine of Discovery was a crucial factor in the colonization of the Americas and other parts of the world, and its effects continue to be felt by Indigenous peoples today.

It is important that we continue to educate ourselves and others about this historical principle and its impact, and to work towards a future that is more equitable and respectful of Indigenous rights and cultures.


Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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