Subject: How to go about Truth & Reconciliation

The Road to Truth & Reconciliation Can be a Tough and Hard Road to Follow.

Hey Friend,


Today, let's talk about Truth and Reconciliation.

I was at a Powwow in 2019 at Long Plains Manitoba. At a Powwow there are a lot of people who set up their camps around the arbor.

To the left of me was this camp and a red and egg white RV. That camp beside me was Senator Murray Sinclair.

He had been looking over at my family and happened to watch my son Ari dance the fancy dance.

He came over and handed Ari $20 and said that he was filled with happiness that our family was all dancing and practicing our culture and traditions.

Senator Murray Sinclair is a former member of the Canadian Senate and First Nations lawyer who served as chairman of the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 2009 to 2015.

In this short video, let's sit down with Sen. Sinclair and hear what he has to say about Truth and Reconciliation.


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I will see you there,

Patrick Mitsuing,


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