Subject: Foundational knowledge - I Got in Some Heat For This one?

For Many Canadians John A. MacDonald is a Hero,

We Name Schools After Him, We Have Awards in His Name, Streets Bear His Name and Canada Would Not Be Here if It Weren't For John.... But to Indigenous People....

Hey Friend,


The other week I was doing live teaching to thousands of students in

central Alberta and we just happen to be wearing a T-Shirt made by a

company called, "Think Indigenous" and some did not like it at all.

It reached the higher levels of my work and I had to explain myself...

Instead of reacting... I thought it was a perfect opportunity to teach.

I reached out to the creator of the T-Shirt, soon to be Dr. Chris Scribe

and asked him about the T-Shirt, the meaning behind it, and why

create an image of John A. with arrows in his head?

If you want to know what he said...


Click here now:

Click here

I totally understand why he created it now after listening to him...

and also see why someone who doesn't know the TRUTH would

get very upset about it.

Let's all learn together...


Again here is the link:


I will see you there,

Patrick Mitsuing,

Foundational Knowledge

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