Subject: Foundational Knowledge - Advice for Educators Teaching Indigenous Teachings

Welcome back..

Hope your week was awesome.

Today we are with the famous @NotoriousCree Mr. James Jones.

He's a TikTok Superstar and Instagram Star that teaches and

promotes Indigenous Education and Culture.

We caught up with him to ask him a few questions and

to give some advice to anyone wanting to teach Indigenous

knowledge in their spaces.

Watch here:

We ask some tough questions like the importance of teaching

Indigenous Knowledge even if there is no Indigenous students

in your space?

We also touch on giving advice to educators on how to

approach teaching Indigenous Knowledge and how to build

your own foundational knowledge as well.

All that can be found here:

Click here

We hope you enjoy today's Foundational Knowledge Piece...

If you do ... send it to a colleague or friend that you think

may benefit from today's lesson.

Here it is again:

As always..

Have a great week and we will see you again on Monday

of next week.

Foundational Knowledge Team..

PS - If you missed last week about the Moose Teachings..

You can Find it here.

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